Breaking News from Primary 5N!

This week Primary5N have been learning how to write news paper reports.  We wrote about a discovery that our Endless Ocean diver had made.  Some reports were about the discovery of a golden shark, an underwater army base and a new creature, a hotdog rainbow pig face fish!  We then turned our news paper reports into TV reports and used the Flip cameras to film these.  We dressed up as different characters and played different parts like the TV presenter, interviewer and eye witnesses.  We watched all the TV reports on Friday and had an awards ceremony.  It has been a fantastic week!    

5 thoughts on “Breaking News from Primary 5N!”

  1. Looks like you all had a fun and interesting time learning about The Endless Ocean. Blair said he really enjoyed the experience and was very happy to recieve a medal at the awards ceremony.

  2. Looks like primary 5N have been really busy doing lots of exciting things. I would use some of the ideas in my class but I think that they are a little young. I would really like to know what some of the younger classes have been doing. Keep up the good work P5N.

  3. Thank you Miss Finlay for your comment! We hope you are enjoying your new school and your new class. Primary 5N

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