Well done Jade. It is very sensible to be careful when you are working on line with people you don’t know.
Have a great Christmas and I am looking forward to reading your blogs in the New Year
Hi clould you please chek out if my wiki link is working i updated it a different way but i never used tiny…ehat is it called,tiny link or something i just made the link by browsing and i dont know if it workes…i got it! tinyURL…how come you remember when you dont want to????? lol :S
see on wednesday or before at school can me and kian hold an award cerimony
Yes please! Looking forward to seeing what you both have planned. Sounds intriguing
Mrs Vass
I’ve made all the cirtificates
Fantastic! Can’t wait
Hey Mrs V someone left me a comment and it has a link should i click it?
I’m glad you asked, Jade.
This time it’s ok to moderate the comment and click on the link.
I know John so the link is safe – and I think we should share it with the others tomorrow
Fantastic! Well done mum, it’s nice to see you and your class are famous.
Thanks, Neil
I’ll share your comment with the class.
Well done Jade. It is very sensible to be careful when you are working on line with people you don’t know.
Have a great Christmas and I am looking forward to reading your blogs in the New Year
trial comment
hiya!!!!! just trying out my gravatar
just trying out my avatar
hi trying out my gravatar
just trying out my gravitar!
just testing
hi by
wow mrs v it looks good i hope i code be in the sunday post
here u go !!!
hi ive done my glow wiki
glow wiki
my glow wiki
my eporfolio
Hi this is Charlotte, Mrs V here is my glow wiki link…
my eporfolio
Hi this is my glow wiki link
MY WIKI: https://wikis.glowscotland.org.uk/0000075/cpskylew
Dear Mrs V,
Hi clould you please chek out if my wiki link is working i updated it a different way but i never used tiny…ehat is it called,tiny link or something i just made the link by browsing and i dont know if it workes…i got it! tinyURL…how come you remember when you dont want to????? lol :S
No, it still doesn’t work for me if I’m not logged in to Glow. I think the only way to make it work is via tinyurl.
We’ll go over it again in school tomorrow if you like.