8 School Days of Snow, Snow… and More Snow!

8 daysWell, we’ve finally returned to school after more than a week and a half of being snow bound!!

 When I wrote the last blog post on here trying to reach Primary 6V, I had no idea if any of you were listening – but it turned out that you were!

Some of you wrote posts straight on to your Glow Blogs, and others decided to write in a Word Document first then copy this on to your blog. Thank you for taking time out from your fun Snow Day activities to write these reports and stories. We’ve already shared some in class, and we’ll be sure to read out the rest next week. Just in case any of you pay a visit to our class blog meanwhile, however, I’ve added a link to them here.

It was good fun having some time off, but it’s lovely to see you all back in class again for the Christmas Countdown 🙂

jade's headerThe first Snow Days activity report was from Jade. She wrote about an experiment that she carried out with the help of her dad. She made a great job of writing up a step by step account of what they did, and even included some super pictures to illustrate the results. There’s a link to her blog post via her great header picture.

alyson's headerAlyson was next to publish something during the Snow Days. She wrote a detailed report about how she spent her time. What a busy time she had – even managing a trip to Glasgow in that weather! There are great comments from her dad and grandad as well 🙂


jack's headerJack noticed the message on this blog and set about writing a wonderful story called. “A Snowy Adventure For Two Polar Bears”. He wrote it up on a Word Document first, then copied it on to his Glow Blog. Jack’s stories are always entertaining. I’m sure you all still remember the hilarious Rediculous Underpants Eating Toilet  he wrote for the Bookbinder 🙂 His Blog Header image will take you to his latest story.

kian's headerJack mentioned to Kian that there was a message for primary 6V and, as a result, Kian updated a Word Document daily before copying it on to his Glow Blog to share with the rest of us. He spent the first few Snow Days enjoying playing outside and entertaining his little sister on his Wii. Sometimes he had to go to his Mum’s shop, and reports on what happened when the Motorway to Glasgow had to close because of the weather.

Now that we’ve returned to school, others have been updating their Glow Blogs with their own reports of how they spent their time off school because of the snowy weather.

anna's headerAnna has taken the time to write this super description of how her Snow Days were spent. She even had the time to get her frogs in to the ‘Christmas Spirit’ .. we all know how much Anna loves her frogs!! Check out her report by clicking on her Froggy header 🙂


eilidh's headerFinally, here’s a link to Eilidh’s new blog post about her Snow Days. She managed to make an igloo (eventually), and even though she hates shopping, she managed to put up with it because she had £30 to spend on buying Christmas presents! I’m sure her family and friends will love them.

9 thoughts on “8 School Days of Snow, Snow… and More Snow!”

  1. Okay mrs. V remember the christmas tree i will remind you again in the morning i also need to know the website where Mason & Sean made that funny video!!! And i made my little brother PNP!!!

    1. Thanks for the christmas tree reminder! I’ve just left it at the front door, so I’ll surely notice it in the morning 🙂

      The website with Mason and Sean’s funny video is at jibjab.com

      Did your little brother see his Santa message? I just know he’ll love it – it’s a great site 🙂

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