Who Do You Think You Are?

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Primary 7V are going to find out more about their own history …. with the help of mums, dads, aunties, uncles, grans and grandads!! They’ll share their findings on a wikispaces page. Meanwhile, everyone interviewed a parent or grandparent about their ‘early years’. We’ll upload them to our pbwikis soon. BenC has already managed to put his interview with his mum on to his wiki. Click on his ‘weemee’ to listen … please be patient while it loads 🙂


6 thoughts on “Who Do You Think You Are?”

  1. Hi Mrs Vass! xx

    Your posts always make me smile to! 🙂 Like this one its really intresting you looked really cute when you were smaller! haha 😆 I’m sorry i didn’t mention m&s..:( i will another time though so don’t worry!

    bye xxxxxxxxx

  2. Hi Mrs Vass that is really good that you got mums and dads in to speak about their son or daughter when they were a baby. It must have been a shock when they found out all the different things that happened to them.

    Speak To You Soon

    Marc xx

  3. Hi Anna ….. thanks for the M&S post on your blog 🙂

    Hi Mark,
    I think the P7’s all had good fun interviewing their mums and dads about their early years.
    Hopefully we’ll get them all uploaded onto the wikis tomorrow at ICT time. Thanks for dropping in to school today. It was great to hear about all your adventures at High School …. keep in touch!

  4. I like your pictures there really nice. I think it is a great idea to do stuff on our family hiostory. I dont know much about my family history and i feel it will vbe fun to learn about it.

    from sophie

  5. Hi Mrs Vass I am lookin forward to parents evening,but I am quite scared.My mum said if I get a bad report,im grounded!! =O Please give me a good report and I will be good for the rest of P7.

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