Danni, who left Carronshore to go on to Larbert High School, has posted a lovely comment on this blog. You can read it below:
“Hi Mrs Vass I had a great day at high school it’s brilliant. I love high school and all the new things you can do!! P7 I hope you have a great year in p7 It’s probably the best level in primary school . Enjoy p7 and make the blog as good as you can! I think you will love going to high school and it’s not scary at all but you might have nerves , on the first few day but it will go away after you meet loads more friends!!
Make the last year the best year at primary!!
From Danni
I like your ideas Mrs Vass and I wont forget you!!”
We hope that Danni keeps in touch and that she can find the time to post on her blog so that we can follow her progress in High School!
Marc has already added a post to his blog to let us know how things are going. You can read it here:
It was my first day back at school and it was really good. It was scary on the first day. I had lots of subjects and lots of nice teachers. I hope I like Larbert High School for the rest of my years their. I’m missing Carronshore P.S already I will keep on blogging when i’m in High School. Hope to speak to you soon, bye.
Maybe our new Primary 7 have some questions they’d like to ask you both 🙂
3 thoughts on “News From Larbert High!”
hey mrs v! can you activate my voki thing because i cant get it to work!
hey mrs v! can you activate my voki thing because i cant get it to work!
Hello, Danni!
I’ve left you a post on your site!
Hello Mrs #Vass I Like Reading Those Things That The Highschool P7vs Wrote x