Australia – Here We Come!

 Next term, we’re going to be learning all about Australia. We contacted some of our Australian ‘blogging’ friends for some advice.

Mr Upton and the mini Legends  sent us this email.

Hi Everyone

I’m the teacher of the Year 3 miniLegends in South Australia. We go to
Glenelg School which is in probably the most famous beach of Adelaide. I
see you are studying Australia – we brainstormed this morning about
different aspects you might like to research. My class were going to leave
some comments and suggestions – I don’t know if that happened. Probably
most of them just said “your blog is really cool” … because it is 🙂

Might I suggest using a couple of websites as springboards to your learning
Check out this excellent site by Jackie Miers
and the equally wonderful one by Sue Lemmer  – and don’t forget to search

You’re the stars, may your wishes come true

Cheers, Al (sometimes they call me Mr Upton)

Our ’07 AllStars’ friends from Sydney gave us this advice

Hello Carronshore,
How exciting that you are studying Australia. Here are some ideas to get you started – we will have another think later and get back to you!

Settlement – who & when
Australian Aborigines
Aussie slang
Aussie animals

Can’t wait to see your Aboriginal Artworks.

We are studying “Identity” this year too.

What do you know about Australia already?


We don’t know vey much yet ….. but all this advice is just great. We’ll be making a start in a couple of weeks and we’ll post regularly about all the things we learn!

2 thoughts on “Australia – Here We Come!”

  1. Hi Mrs Vass I’m so glad that we are doing Australia as our project i was so glad when i went on the blog and seen it.

  2. Hi everyone,

    My name is Max and I am travelling toy monkey. I have been travelling to some Australian schools and have even been on a plane to Egypt, London, Dubai and East Timor. If you would like to read about my adventures in parts of Australia and around the world, you can visit my blog

    You can send me an email if you like. Just send it to

    I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures…


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