Educational Mobile Phones!!

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We looked at the lgshine phone and brainstormed educational uses! There were LOADS – so we were allowed to bring in our own phones, too! Maybe we will be able to use them in class soon!

lgshine phone and brainstormed all the educational uses we could think of. We were even allowed to bring in our own phones to examine as well! We found loads of great tools that we’d love to be allowed to use in class. We made these posters to show some of our findings.

Mrs V got the idea from this blog.

4 thoughts on “Educational Mobile Phones!!”

  1. I do think that you are pioneers of what we will have in the future. I can see a day coming when pupils will get a telling off for NOT having their phones in school!

  2. The bubbleshare is looking good. We in East Lothian have had a few problems with it. Its a great way of using stills to show 3how stuff happens. Loved the lunar eclipse bubblshare.
    Keep up the excellent work.

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