Tag Archives: Numeracy

Scottish Education Awards 2018

The Scottish Education Awards recognise early learning and childcare settings and schools that have developed a vibrant and progressive culture and climate of continuous innovation in relation to numeracy.

The culture and ethos should promote respect, ambition and achievement in numeracy while improving outcomes for all learners in ways which eliminate inequity.

Nominations should provide detail about all the activities, programmes and creative approaches that the school or centre has undertaken.


  • How are these being embedded across the four contexts for learning?

– Ethos and life of the school as a community

– Curriculum areas and subjects

– Interdisciplinary learning

– Opportunities for personal achievement


  • How are you promoting equity, equality, diversity and inclusion in relation to this award category?


  • What impact are your approaches having on learners, staff, their families, partner organisations, other educational establishments and the wider community?


Nominations close at 12 noon on Wednesday 14 February 2018



Numeracy and Mathematics Benchmarks

Education Scotland have now published the final Benchmarks for Literacy and English, and Numeracy and Mathematics following a wide consultation with practitioners:

Numeracy and Mathematics Benchmarks

The Benchmarks embed a wide range of existing assessment guidance – significant aspects of learning, progression frameworks and annotated exemplification – into one key resource to support practitioners’ professional judgement.

Follow this link for FAQ regarding the Benchmarks:

Benchmarks FAQ

You may find this document highlighting the changes that have been made to the Draft Benchmarks helpful:

Numeracy Mathematics Changes Document

Guidance from Education Scotland is that the core resources for practitioners are the Experiences and Outcomes for planning, and the Benchmarks to support assessment, tracking and professional judgement of when a level has been achieved:

“Assessment is an on-going process to support learning. The Benchmarks should be used to help monitor progress towards achievement of a level and to support overall professional judgement of when a learner has achieved a curriculum level. They support professional dialogue, moderation and monitoring of progress in learning.
Evidence of progress and achievement will come from:
•observing day-to-day learning within, and outwith, the classroom.
•coursework, including tests.
•learning conversations.
•planned periodic holistic assessments.
•information from standardised assessments.”



Every Day’s a Learning Day – Numeracy

This animation is to assist parents and carers to support their child’s learning and development at home, based on Education Scotland’s publication “Every day is a learning day”. It is part of one of the Early Years Collaborative initiatives in Falkirk Council.

It can be accessed from here.

More information on this can be found on the Education Scotland website.

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