Diagnostic Questions

Looking for continuous assessment or wanting to try low stakes assessment?  Then this free resource might be of interest to you.

Diagnostic Questions is a world leading assessment tool that provides detailed insights into student understanding in a fraction of the time, simultaneously reducing your workload and improving student results and confidence.

Learn more here.


Maths Inspiration

Maths Inspiration, one of the most successful Maths enrichment programs in the UK, is coming to Scotland. The target audience of this exciting event is S3 and S4 pupils. The show will last two hours, and will include three stand-up comedy style shows, an interval and a Q&A session. More information about Maths Inspiration can be found at:http://www.mathsinspiration.com

Maths Inspiration is taking place on Tuesday 12th June 2018 at the University of Edinburgh.

Booking and further information is available online at

If you need further information, please email mathsinspiration@maths.ed.ac.uk