Tag: talking

English as an additional language – celebrating and supporting

Over 75 different languages are currently spoken by pupils in Falkirk Council’s Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Centres and Schools. The EAL team is part of the Additional Support Needs Outreach Service and works with pupils whose first or home language is not English.

Our EAL team support pupils who are enrolling in or who are already attending a Falkirk Council ELC centre/class or school. Their support helps pupils who may be beginners in English or pupils who speak English more fluently but are not achieving their full academic potential. They work with schools and families to meet the needs of learners for whom English is an additional language.

Please visit the EAL team blog page here for more information and support with any queries you may have about teaching and supporting your pupils. All EAL professional learning from CPD Manager is listed on our 2022-23  professional learning menu which you can visit using this link Professional Learning for Literacy and English – Welcome to Falkirk Literacy (glowscotland.org.uk).


Kickstart literacy for 2nd level pupils using brilliant NewsWise resources

Slide from Lesson 1 PowerPoint resource

NewsWise is a free, cross-curricular news literacy project for 7-to-11-year-olds across the UK. It is designed to help children develop their critical literacy skills within a real-life Journalist Training School context. The whole unit consists of 15 lessons which allow pupils to develop, consolidate and apply reading, talking and listening and writing skills in an holistic way. The real-life, “world of work” journalism context is an engaging way for teachers to help their second level pupils to understand, critically navigate and report real news. As well as developing most of the main CfE literacy organisers and sub-organisers, it also integrates essential learning within Technologies and Health and Wellbeing (Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing). Find out more and download this free resource by clicking here. It includes:

  • curriculum-based lesson plans
  • posters and all necessary resources for the lessons
  • exciting school workshops
  • opportunities to speak to real journalists.

NewsWise was funded by Google, and developed by the National Literacy Trust in partnership with the Guardian Foundation and the PSHE Association.

Talking and listening skills – developing and applying through HWB during our recovery phase





All Falkirk Council education establishments will be supporting the physical, emotional, social and mental health and well being of their learners as we respond to and recover from the disruptions of the coronavirus. This blog post pulls together resources and ideas for ways in which teaching and learning of talking and listening skills (oracy) could combine with the Health and Well being focus which will be a priority for all Falkirk education staff.

The links, lessons and ideas below develop, consolidate or apply talking and listening skills through the context of supporting effective relationship (re-)building and development of social skills and relationships.

This blog post therefore captures effective interdisciplinary links between literacy and health and well being. The teaching and learning it supports will also contribute to the life and ethos of your school or centre as part of your recovery plan. Depending on which activities and ideas you select, combining the essential skills of talking and listening with a focus on relationship building and socialisation may offer your pupils opportunities for wider achievement which support their future learning. life and work.

Education Scotland guidance and support materials for group discussionclick here to access

This resource has professional learning and support materials including exemplar videos where pupils (first, second and third level) model two key skills in group discussion:

  • exploring ideas and developing knowledge
  • analysing and evaluating – click here to see first level pupil council discussion developing building on others contributions and responding to others’ viewpoints

These videos use a range of curricular contexts but the skills and techniques demonstrated can easily be translated into HWB contexts or lessons. Click here to download group discussion sentence stems which support specific discussion skills and here to access the poster/diagram overview of group discussion skills provided.

The new Education Scotland “Compassionate and Connected Classroom” curriculum support materials have many activities which help structure a recovery phase for pupils in upper primary – some of these would work very well with the group discussion techniques outlined above. Click here to view.

BBC Newsround clips may also be useful for listening activities and/or analysing and evaluating how others ask and answer questions (click to view this example of a government minister responding to children’s questions about the virus). The wealth of video clips of famous people taking part in online conversations is rich for children’s study of particular elements of talking – the organisers and statements in our Falkirk Literacy and English Progression Pathways will support planning of specific learning intentions using video clips – see extract below and click here to view the pathway documents (Glow login required)


The National Literacy Trust has produced “Happy News” materials for primary 7 pupils which also use news and media reports to help pupils process their feelings as they transition back to school – click here to visit this resource page and here to see their learning guide.

These BBC Bitesize HWB videos for early level children include exploration of how to communicate emotion using facial expression and other non-verbal methods. These also relate to our early level progression pathway and will link well with resources in HWB resource packs commonly found in schools. Talking and listening about feelings and emotions is often done through art and drama or music and dance activities where children “do” first, then begin to verbalise which emotions they and others are modelling. The Golden Rules of Participation pack available here is a valuable visual communication tool designed to develop children’s capacity to be heard and to be independent and empowered during interactions with others.

Education Scotland Newsletter talking and listening activities:

  • Activities to support staying in touch with friends and family here for primary stage
  • and secondary stage young people version here
  • Talking and listening activities which support examination of friendship for primary children here
  • Click here to view The Journey which is a power point narrative designed to help 13-15 year old young people understand and cope with the impact of changes caused by the coronavirus. This resource includes an age appropriate “Resilience Alphabet” tool which might be helpful to young people – this activity may offer useful context for using the resilience alphabet. A version for primary aged children can be found by clicking here.
  • A whole page of activity suggestions linking to change, co-operating, developing independence, etc is available here
  • This page of suggested learning activities is for primary and secondary stage pupils and focuses on communicating safely online and face to face

Education Scotland have created an overview of learning activities to support planning of blended learning if this is needed – click here to view. The literacy and health and well being plans for August to October have been copied into Word format here for your convenience. Some of the suggested learning activities may be useful as part of your Health and Well being planning and also offer contexts for talking and listening.

Developing Debating in Your School – Speak up Falkirk!

Speak up Falkirk is an exciting and innovative project which uses debating activities in the classroom to help pupils explore the impact of science on society, and to consider the ethical or practical implications around new scientific developments. Get pupils talking and arguing about science

The debates workshop is back up by a range of resources and support materials. The project enables teachers to deliver literacy in the science curriculum and enhances their own professional development.

Please visit CPD manager to find out more about this exciting opportunity. Course code GC0016 and is being held on 15th January 2015 at Camelon Education Centre as a twilight.

Talking and Listening – Spelling Strategies – Skills for Life.

Larbert High School has produced a new you tube video relating to Talking and Listening highlighting the importance of  literacy skills.

 The short you tube video is a parody of Ant and Dec’s ‘Let’s Get Ready to Rumble’ entitled ‘Let’s Get Ready to Mumble’.

The video can be viewed from this link.

The video was launched at Larbert High’s Literacy week 2014 where there were a variety of literacy activities on offer, including ‘Spelling Bee’ which incorporates Active Literacy spelling strategies introduced in Falkirk Council primary schools. More information about these exciting literacy activities can be found by reading the article in our local newspaper The Falkirk Herald.

The Active Literacy Spelling programme aims to provide children with a range of strategies they are able to apply to tricky words in all curricular areas.