Falkirk educational establishments are supported and challenged by Education Team Managers and a Service Manager:
Rhona Jay – Service Manager
Lisa McCabe – Education Team Manager
Susan Thomson – Education Team Manager
Carol Turnbull – Education Team Manager
Leigh Watson – Education Team Manager
Role of Education Team Managers and a Service Manager
• Ensure the overall management and development of the highest standards in professional and educational practice.
• Ensure continuous improvement by monitoring and challenging schools on standards of attainment and achievement in line with the demands of Curriculum for Excellence and Falkirk Council’s ‘Learning to Achieve’ policy
• Provide support and challenge to identified clusters of educational establishments as outlined in the Quality Improvement Framework
• Monitor and support the key processes associated with school improvement planning
• Work with Curriculum Support Officers and other professionals within and outwith the Service to develop specialist areas related to local and national priorities
• Are familiar with all aspects of Council and national education policy and priorities, and are seen as representatives of the Director of Education when visiting schools or when involved with outside agencies
• Provide links between parents and schools to resolve issues or conflicts
• Are able to analyse and use performance information to challenge schools to improve
• Validate schools’ evaluations of their:
– Attainment and achievement
– Learners’ experiences
– Curriculum
– Meeting learners’ needs
– Self evaluation
• Keep abreast of current educational developments and thinking through regular and appropriate CPD
• Advise on and implement the Council’s Human Resources procedures in conjunction with Corporate HR
• Participate in the appointment of senior promoted posts in schools
• Represent the Service on appropriate committees, appeal processes, Parent Councils and other forums • Apply procedures associated with Education Scotland Inspection of schools, including those associated with Progress Reports
• Participate in local quality assurance procedures such as validation visits
• Develop and lead CPD opportunities related to the improvement agenda in the Council’s educational establishments
• Exercise effective communication and influencing skills
• Model confidence and creativity through coaching approaches to problem-solving
• Adopt a reflective approach to their own practice
• Respond timeously and effectively across a range of issues
• Operate flexibly and adaptively within a changing environment.