Tag Archives: Andrew


On Friday we went to the woods. The cyclists went on the the cycle path and the walkers took the walk path. I was walking because my bike needs its chain oiled up because they were rusty. When we were going to the woods we needed to walk in the fields because the trees had blown down on the path. When we reached the woods we went to our base. We went to the woods to make a minibeast mansion. We got into our groups and the people in my group were Maia, Katie, Adam and Stewart. At first we all tried to look for a safe place for our minibeast mansion so they wouldn’t get stood on. We eventually found a place. It was a broken tree. We picked the bottom part of the tree. At first we dug a hole and we got sticks for the roof and then we put these big chunky leaves and started making a roof with it and we started to collect more of them.  Adam, Maia and Stewart got sticks for us and I was thinking that if you put lots of sticks at the front you could make a gate and so that’s what we did. After that we needed to go back to school. It was funny because the walkers wanted to beat the cyclists to school and the cyclists wanted to beat the walkers to school but me and the walkers won because they had a longer path to go and plus they need to change into normal shoes again.


My school and I were visiting the woods but this time we took the cycle path. We took the cycle path because we didn’t want to go in single file down the path. We were going to the chestnut tree. When we got there we couldn’t get the conkers because we couldn’t reach them.

When we arrived at the woods Mrs. Lennie told us to get in groups. I was with Bruce, William and Blair. We were given a nice piece of paper and we were to find a hideout. We were learning about photosynthesis. Eventually we found our hideout so then we started to read the bit of paper “What do plants need?” Photosynthesis is where a tree needs sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make its own food. Chlorophyll is a green chemical that makes the leaves green with energy running through it. Human beings need oxygen but we don’t need carbon dioxide. We need oxygen but trees don’t need oxygen and we don’t need carbon dioxide but trees do. Humans and trees make a good partnership to keep each other alive.

Then once we had learned about everything all the groups needed to meet up so then we started a quiz. There were A,B,C signs on the trees so Mrs. Lennie shouted out an answer and we would either go to A,B,or C. Me, Bruce, William and Blair got about one wrong at the end. Meanwhile at the end when we were walking back not all of us we caught up with the wee ones. They left fifteen minutes before us. After a while we were back at school. We made it back in time and luckily the parents didn’t go mad!

By Andrew