Our Vision, Values and Aims

At Sgoil an Iochdair it is our aim to be a school community celebrated for its high quality learning experiences where everyone is valued, respected and included.

We aim to raise standards by promoting a school ethos which is underpinned by core values. 

Aig Sgoil an Iochdair / At Iochdar School we are

Còir – Kind

Earbsach – Trustworthy

Urramach – Respectful

Dìcheallach – Diligent

These values support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner within a supportive, caring, happy and purposeful environment.

Having selected Core Values through consultation with staff, pupils and parents & partners we are examining what each one means through a series of assemblies and lessons. Thanks to Rev T Penman who led the first two assemblies.

The values and aims which underpin this vision, and against which we shall evaluate our performance, are:


– Language 

To enrich the Gaelic language inspiring all pupils, parents, school staff and partners to be proud of the language, working together to ensure it continues to develop and grow across the school community.

To celebrate bilingualism and the advantages of becoming bilingual recognising and promoting the benefits that language learning can bring to our pupils, to our school, into sustained positive destinations beyond school, and ultimately impacting on our community as a whole.

– Culture 

To celebrate and nurture the Gaelic language and island culture in all aspects of the school community, enriching our knowledge and awareness of our history and heritage.

To instil a commitment to life-long learning, working in partnership with all stakeholders to provide ambitious learning experiences that equip learners with knowledge and skills for learning, life and work.

– Community 

To promote a whole-school rights respecting ethos, expressing a commitment to respect, kindness and equality. This will in turn promote attainment and achievement.

To enrich links with our parents and partners, including international partners, and value diversity and sustainability with consideration for our community, locally and globally.

– Creativity

To instil in each other courage and faith in our ability to learn innovatively, recognising and valuing creativity skills and creating opportunities for the transferring of these skills to new contexts.

To nurture self-growth and identity by celebrating and acknowledging endeavours at home and in the community with particular focus on the opportunities being created by the expressive arts.