
Fàilte, we would like to welcome you to Sgoil an Iochdair’s website.  

This website offers an introduction to our school, it’s vision, value and aims, plus practical day-to-day information to support parents and families.

We hope you enjoy the site!

About Sgoil an Iochdair

Sgoil an Iochdair is a multi-denominational school situated in the village of Iochdar on the Island of South Uist, with its catchment covering most of Benbecula and the north half of South Uist. The school offers primary education through Gaelic and English Medium. The school has a roll of 43 primary pupils and 9 nursery children, supported by 21 teaching and non-teaching staff.  (Session 23/24) 

We have strong partnerships with families, specialists and other agencies to support every child to be the very best they can be. Our curriculum reflects the Gaelic language, culture and heritage of our Island community and revolves around the special natural environment in which we live.  

At Sgoil an Iochdair we take pride in the Gaelic language, culture and heritage of our island community. It is our aim to be a school community celebrated for its high-quality learning experiences where everyone is valued, respected and included. 

We hope you find our website clear and informative.  If you have any queries about any of the information included, or indeed about any aspect of our school, please do not hesitate to contact us.