Neach Ùr air Sgioba Foghlam A-Muigh

Is mise Koren Pickering, agus tha mise gu bhith ag obair san sgioba còmhla ri Isi agus Tim chun an t-Sultain. Tha mi fileant ann an Gàidhlig agus ‘s e oide-foghlam a-muigh a th’ unnam cuideachd, agus mar sin tha mi an seo ‘son an cuideachadh le dad sam bith Gàidhlig thairis air an t-samhradh. 

Tha mo phost maonichte le Bòrd Na Gàidhlig agus ‘s e am plana bunasach a bh’ againn gun cuidichinn leis an leasachadh do na cleasan-sàmhradh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, ach leis am bacadh a th’ ann sgàth ‘s COVID-19 tha mi ag obair air pàirtean eile dhan an clàr-teagasg a’ tha ar sgioba a’ lìbhrigeadh.

Tha mi aig Oilthigh Dhun Èideann a’ dèanamh ceum ann an Ceiltis, agus tha ùidh mhòr agam anns an ceangal a th’ aig Gàidhlig ris an àrainneachd ‘s ar cruth-tìre. Tha mi airson an cothrom seo a’ chleachdadh airson foghlam a-muigh am meadhan na Gàidhlig a’ leasachadh ‘s nan Eileanan mar toiseach tòiseachaidh.  An dràsta tha mi ag obair air stòrasan ùr Gàidhlig a’ chruthachadh airson ‘s gun urrainn do dhaoine an cleachdadh ge b’ air bith aig an taigh le an clann fhèin, neo san àite obair aca le daoine òga. Tha mi a’ toirt leasanan Gàidhlig do chuid dhan an sgioba againn. Dh’ fhoighnich SAPOE (Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education) dhomh am brath-naigheachd aca, a bha mu dheidhinn mar as urrainn Foghlam A-Muigh a bhith na chuideachadh leis an ath-thòiseachadh de dh’fhoghlam as deidh COVID-19, eadar-theangachadh air an son. Seo am brath-naigheachd-

Bidh mi fhèin a’ dèanamh tòrr snàmh a-muigh, gu h-àraid ‘s a mhuir. Bidh mi dèanamh caidheageadh cuideachd, ‘s a mhuir timcheall air na h-eileanan agus nan aimhnichean air tìr mòr leis an club air an Oilthigh nuair a tha mi ann an Dun Èideann. Tha mi air  ùine a chuir seachad a’ dèanamh ‘s nan ‘Alps’ Fraingeach cuideachd. Tha sèoladh a’ còrdadh rium nuar a tha an cothrom ann.


Uile gun lèir, tha mi coimhead air adhart to bhith nam phàirt den sgioba seo, agus obair a’ dhèanamh airson foghlam a-muigh tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.



I’m Koren Pickering and I’m going to be working in the Outdoor Learning team with Isi and Tim until September. I’m a fluent Gaelic speaker and an outdoor instructor as well, so I’m here to help with anything Gaelic over the summer.

My post has been funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig , the original plan was to help develop the summer activities in Gaelic medium but with the global pandemic I have trying to develop other parts of what the Outdoor Learning team deliver.

I’m studying Celtic Studies at the University of Edinburgh, and I’m very interested  in the links Gaelic has with our environment and landscape. I plan on using this opportunity to help develop Gaelic Outdoor Learning in the Islands as a start. At the moment I’m working on creating new Gaelic Outdoor resources which can be used by people at home with their own families, or by people who are working with young people. I am also giving Gaelic lessons to some of the Outdoor team. I was asked by the Scottish Advisory Panel for Outdoor Education (SAPOE)  to translate their statement on how Outdoor Learning can be used to help with educational recovery from the Covid-19 epidemic. The statement is here-

I do a lot of outdoor swimming, particularly in the sea. I also kayak in the sea around the islands and rivers in the Highlands when I’m based in Edinburgh with the University Canoe Club. I’ve spent time a bit of time kayaking in the French Alps as well. I enjoy sailing when the opportunity arises.

I’m looking forward  to being  a part of the team and to be able to work in the Gaelic Outdoors.

New canoes and kayaks at Sgoil Dhalabroig (Daliburgh School)

In April Sgoil Dhalabroig (Daliburgh School), in South Uist, took delivery of their new fleet of kayaks and canoes to use on the loch next to the school as part of their development of their outdoor spaces. (They were helped by SSE Scottish Hydro).

To allow the staff to run sessions Tim ran a training and assessment session and then some sessions for the pupils. This a fantastic resource and they have plans to develop the area round the loch with the community.

With other schools having lochs next to them this is a model which could be developed there to increase Outdoor Learning. If you would like help please contact the Outdoor Learning team.

Kayaking at Daliburgh School

Tim and Andrew headed to Daliburgh School to run some kayaking sessions. There is a loch next to the school and they are looking at how they can make the best use of it as part of their learning. To see how kayaking could be run on the Loch it was decided to run short sessions for young people across the school.

Although it wasn’t the best weather with the rain the wind stayed away and everyone had a great experience. There was then discussion how they travel forwards and make more use of the Loch.

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