Tag Archives: Primary School Admissions

Primary School Admissions

Children who will be four years of age by 28th February 2013 are eligible for infant enrolment in August 2013.  Enrolment takes place at the beginning of February, on a date specified by press advertisement. 

In our school, pupils can be taught through the Medium of Gaelic or English and parents should indicate their preference on the enrolment form. At the time of enrolment, parents should bring their child’s Birth Certificate and should inform the school of any medical problems or special needs which their child may have. New entrants are invited into the school in June prior to entry to sample some typical Primary 1 activities. 

Other children, whose families have just moved into our catchment area, should be accompanied by a parent or guardian on their first day of reporting to school if they have not already been in contact with the school.  

Parents who wish to apply for a place at a school other than the local Primary School for new enrolments should apply in writing to:

Mr Bernard Chisholm

Head of Education and Resources,

Education and Children’s Services Department,

Sandwick Road,
