Tag Archives: Homework

Homework Policy

POLICY LEADER: Miss Kirsteen J. Maclean – Head Teacher 


Learning happens wherever children are and for the largest part of their developing years they are within their homes and communities.  It is therefore imperative that we inform and involve parents in their children’s   learning. 


Homework should:

 ¨ Consolidate and extend the work carried out in class

¨ Encourage good study habits in children and promote positive attitudes

¨ Inform parents as to what their children are learning within class

¨ Involve parents in encouraging, supervising and checking homework

¨ To help pupils develop the skills of an independent learner

¨ To help children develop good work habits for the future

 In addition we feel that homework will provide opportunities for:

¨ Making use of a wider range of resources (e.g. interviewing family)

¨ Building pupil confidence by discussing work with parents.

¨ Providing for parents a specific learning activity in which they can closely participate with their children.

 Homework should be:

 Planned in advance

¨ Given, only when it is purposeful and useful in relation to class work It will not necessarily be the case that homework will be given every night.

¨ Kept manageable with regards to time for pupils, teachers and parents

¨ Varied

¨ Appropriate to the needs and abilities of pupils

¨ Explained clearly so that pupils know exactly what is required and when it is to be completed

¨ Received and acknowledged in a meaningful way when it has been completed by providing feedback on  content and presentation. 


 ¨ Homework given to Primary 1, 2 and 3 classes will be on a next day basis. The only exceptions to this will be where teachers who are not present every day set homework for pupils for the next lesson they have with that teacher.

¨ Homework given to Primary 4 & 5 may be given on a next day basis and in some cases on an assignment basis e.g. to be completed over 2 days or on a Monday for completion by Friday. The length of time given t o complete homework tasks will be at the discretion of the class teacher.

¨ Homework given to Primary 6 & 7will usually be on an assignment basis e.g. to be completed over 2 days or on a Monday for completion by Friday. The length of time given t o complete homework tasks will be at the discretion of the class teacher.

¨ Primary 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 will be expected to enter homework in their homework diaries

¨ In the event of any child persistently not completing set homework tasks parents will be notified in writing, be informed of the problem and given the opportunity to resolve the problem.

¨ If non completion of homework persists the Head Teacher will invite parents in to discuss the problem, identify  possible solutions to rectify the problem and also possible sanctions should the problem persist.


A variety of homework activities and tasks may be set.  The content of set tasks may vary from stage to stage and at different times throughout a session but should always be: 

¨ Clearly understood by the pupil and closely related to ongoing class work.

¨ At an appropriate level of ability for the child.

¨ Able to be completed without specialised resources.

¨ Reflect a variety of activities although generally concentrating on basic skills.

¨ Marked promptly with some feedback given. 

Parents are encouraged to discuss homework tasks with class teachers should any problems arise. 


¨ By ensuring homework is done while your child is alert.

¨ By trying to provide a calm atmosphere with as few distractions as possible.

¨ By discussing the work with our child and working along with him/her, especially at the early stages.

¨ By checking that the quality and presentation is of an acceptable standard and signing the work.  Doing this personally and not delegating to older brothers and sisters.

¨ By discussing any problems arising from homework with the teacher.  (by appointment please).

¨ By extending the work when appropriate perhaps by supplying a relevant book, visiting the library or a place of interest connected with the work.

 Above all, by showing interest and praising good efforts.


Primary 1 – 3

Children in the infant stages will be given small amounts of homework on a regular basis.  They should spend approximately 10-15 minutes per evening Monday to Thursday completing homework activities.

Reading, Phonics and number consolidation will form the core activities 

Parents should assist pupils with their homework by: 

¨ Consolidating the use of core vocabulary for reading books with their children

¨ Encouraging their children to read aloud to them in a variety of contexts.

¨ Reinforcing simple number bonds (0-10 for Primary 1 and 0-20 for Primary 2-3)

¨ Reinforce specific curricular areas such as money and time. 

Primary 4 – 7

Children in P4 & P5 should spend no more than 20 minutes on any given night on homework.  Children in P6 & P7 should spend no more than 30 minutes on any given night on homework. 

Parents should assist pupils with their homework by: 

¨ Encouraging them to read aloud and also silently at home with a variety of reading material.

¨ Helping them to practise, develop and reinforce aspects of language course work

¨ Helping them to practise, develop and reinforce spelling course work

¨ Helping them to practise, develop and reinforce aspects of mathematics course work

¨ Talking to them about topic work and enhancing the work they have done in school to gain deeper understanding about their course work.

¨ Encouraging them to work on personal topic studies

¨ Encouraging them to be independent in their learning 

TO BE REVIEWED: January 2014