National Physics


Physics – National 5

The purpose of the course is to develop candidates’ interest and enthusiasm for physics in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry are integrated and developed, throughout the course, by investigating the applications of physics. This enables candidates to become scientifically literate citizens, able to review the science-based claims they will meet.

Physics gives candidates an insight into the underlying nature of our world and its place in the universe. From the sources of the energy we use, to the exploration of space, it covers a range of applications of the relationships that have been discovered through experiment and calculation, including those used in modern technology. An experimental and investigative approach is used to develop knowledge and understanding of physics concepts.

The course content includes the following areas of physics:


In this area, the topics covered are: vectors and scalars; velocity–time graphs; acceleration; Newton’s laws; energy; projectile motion.


In this area, the topics covered are: space exploration; cosmology.


In this area, the topics covered are: electrical charge carriers; potential difference (voltage); Ohm’s law; practical electrical and electronic circuits; electrical power.

Properties of matter

In this area, the topics covered are: specific heat capacity; specific latent heat; gas laws and the kinetic model.


In this area, the topics covered are: wave parameters and behaviours; electromagnetic spectrum; refraction of light.


In this area, the topic covered is nuclear radiation.


The course also includes an assignment which accounts for 20% of a candidate’s overall award.

The assignment has two stages:

  • research
  • report

The research stage must involve an experiment that allows measurements to be made. Candidates must also gather data from the internet, books or journals to compare against their experimental results. The candidate’s research may also involve gathering extracts from internet/literature sources to support their descriptions and/or explanations of the underlying physics.

Candidates must produce a report on their research under examination conditions.

The assignment report will be externally marked by SQA.


  • Higher physics.
  • Other qualifications in physics or related areas.
  • Further study, employment or training.
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