Course Overview

The National 5 Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies course helps candidates to develop an understanding of the society in which they live and work through learning about, and from, religious beliefs, non-religious viewpoints and personal experience.

The course encourages candidates to develop values and beliefs and learn how to express them. It helps them to develop respect for others and an understanding of beliefs and practices which are different from their own. They develop an understanding of human beliefs, values and behaviour; and examine how religion, morality and philosophy might help people find meaning and purpose in life.


The National 5 RMPS course consists of 3 units:

  • World Religion – Candidates study religion and its impact, relevance and significance through studying some key beliefs and practices found in one major world religion, and the contribution these make to the lives of followers. Candidates focus on one of the world’s six major religions, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism or Sikhism.
  • Morality and Belief – Candidates study moral issues and their background, implications and responses through studying one major moral issue and responses to it. Candidates focus on one of five moral issues including Justice, Relationships, Global issues, Medicine or Conflict.
  • Religious and Philosophical Questions – Candidates study the issues raised by religious and philosophical questions, their implications and responses by studying one question and responses to it. Candidates focus on one of the following issues, Origins, Existence of God, The Problem of Suffering or Miracles.


There are two components to the National 4/5 RMPS course assessment.

  • Question paper – Candidates answer questions on the 3 units covered. This is worth 80% of the final grade. The exam lasts for 2 hours and 20 minutes.
  • Assignment – Candidates have an open choice of religious, moral or philosophical issue. This is worth 20% of the final grade. The write-up for the assignment lasts one hour.

 Career Progression

Studying National 4/5 RMPS can provide knowledge and skills relevant to a range of careers such as:

  • Medicine
  • Journalism
  • Police
  • Law
  • Teaching
  • Social Work
  • Military
  • Activism


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