Music – National 4 and 5


In music we will explore:-

Performing skills          –      on two instruments of your choice

Understanding Music  –     covering a wide variety of styles including Rock Music

Composing skills          –      creating your own music


What can I expect:-

Individual and group practical work

Interactive listening lessons exploring Scottish, Blues and Jazz, Rock and Pop,

World music and Orchestral music.

A wide variety of extra curricular, ensembles, bands etc takes place throughout the week.  Attendance at these would support and enhance learning.

Numerous trips to music concerts and shows will take place in S3 and S4 eg Hairspray, We Will Rock You and RSNO concerts.  These help to reinforce concepts learned and set the music in context.


Pupils peer and self assess throughout the course

Performing Skills
Throughout S3 and S4 we will assess performances on each instrument.

In February/March of S4, an external examiner will assess Nat 5 pupils and this contributes to 50% of the overall mark.  National 5 pieces must be at least Grade 3 standard. National 4 pupils are internally assessed and their pieces must be at least Grade 2 standard.

Understanding Music
Over the course of S3 and S4 the pupils will complete end of topic listening papers in the style of the final listening exam.  These help the students get accustomed with exam questions.

In May of S4 they complete the listening paper which is 35% of the final overall mark.

Composing Skills
This is continually developed and assessed throughout S3 and S4. The final S4 composition is assessed by SQA and is worth 15% of the final overall mark.

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