Modern Languages Plus – National 4

Modern Languages Plus- National 4

Pupils will study two languages at National 4 level. French, Spanish and/or German. There will also be an opportunity to complete National 4 Mandarin if the pupils wish to.

This is an opportunity to learn about a new culture, a new language and developing research and analytical skills, while discovering countries around the world.


The course is divided into 4 contexts which cover:

  • Society – Family and friends, Lifestyles, Media, Global languages, Citizenship.
  • Learning – Learning in context, Education
  • Employability – Jobs, Work and CVs
  • Culture – Planning a trip, Other countries, Celebrating a special event, Literature of another country, Film and television

This is also an opportunity to learn about a new culture, a new language and countries around the world.


Modern Languages Plus will be internally assessed over the course of S3 and S4. There is no final examination:

This course has 3 Units:

Unit  1- Understanding Language :
In this unit learners will have the opportunity to develop their listening and reading skills.  Learners will develop their skills in the target language using straightforward language.

Unit 2  Using Language
In this unit learners will be able to develop their talking and writing skills and develop their knowledge of straightforward language in the four contexts.

Unit 3 Added Value Unit:
Pupils will have the opportunity to complete a film study. The aim is to allow learners the opportunity to research and apply their language skills in a familiar context in the modern language.


Pupils who have successfully completed the Modern Languages Plus course could progress onto:

  • National 5 French/German/Spanish/Mandarin
  • Higher French in S6
  • Crash Higher Spanish/German/ Mandarin in S6
  • It also provides a good foundation for progression to training or employment in a variety of sectors including business, tourism, teaching.
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