English – National 4 and 5


In S3 and S4, pupils will follow an integrated course, consolidating the skills that were developed in S1 and S2.  The S3 course will combine both the experiences and outcomes with which you will be familiar and the requirements for the new National Qualifications: either National 4 (internally assessed) or National 5 (externally assessed) at the end of S4.

Pupils will develop the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) – Successful Learners, Effective Contributors, Confident Individuals and Responsible Citizens.


How will my child develop these capacities? 

Through the four modes of Talking, Listening, Reading and Writing in a variety of forms relevant for learning, life and work.


In S3 pupils will be securing core skills which will allow progression in the experiences and outcomes of CfE.

In S4 pupils will follow a common course which will result in a qualification at either National 4 or National 5.  National 4 is internally assessed and National 5 is externally assessed.

The National 4 qualification will be composed of the following Units:

Creation and Production
(An assessed talk and a piece of writing)

Analysis and Evaluation
(An assessed close reading and an assessed listening exercise)

Added Value Unit
(Evaluating at least two texts, presenting, evaluation and responding to questions)


External Assessment (National 5)
Question paper:

Section 1   – Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation (30%)
Section 2   – Critical Reading (40%)

Portfolio of Writing (30%)

This will comprise writing that addresses two of the main language purposes: creative and discursive writing.

A copy of timelines and relevant deadlines will be issued to pupils and made available on the school’s website.

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