This website forms part of your S3 Options Choice Programme. You should read it very carefully, consider what you have learned during your Options Programme and discuss the matter fully with your parents before choosing the subjects you wish to study in Third Year and beyond.
Remember that these are very important choices you have to make and are not to be undertaken lightly or without a lot of thought. If you make the wrong choice now you may find it very difficult to get back on to the right track later.
We appreciate that it is early in your life for you to be deciding on a career but it is very helpful in choosing your subjects for further study if you have some idea of the career you would like to pursue. There is careers information in our comprehensive Careers Library in the school, if you need further help or advice.
If you have any questions relating to your S3 Options Choices please do not hesitate to speak to the Principal Teacher of the relevant subject, your Pupil Support Teacher who will be your Options Adviser, or myself.
Remember; think carefully before you make any decisions and if you have any concerns ask for advice.
Yours sincerely
Mrs S Gibson
Depute Headteacher S2