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Collaborative Learning: P1 P5 French

Today P5b visited P1d for some collaborative French.  All of the P5s paired up with a P1 to have conversations in French!

We shared some questions that we knew and we also taught the P1s a new question which was “quel âge as-tu?”

The questions were: “comment t’appelles tu?” and “Ça va?”

We had to share the conversations with the class.  We then played an adding game where you had to roll the dice twice and add the totals… in French!

We are looking forward to next week.


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Celebrating Success

All of the children in Primary 5 achieve greatness on a regular basis.  They have high aspirations and try their best at all times.

Today, we had a Celebrating Success assembly where we celebrated some achievements from in our classes.

Congratulations to:

Mae for making excellent progress in maths
Alex for being a role model for good behaviour
Alexander for creating a spooky, eye- catching and atmospheric persuasive poser for ‘The Haunted Hotel’


Finn for working really hard and learning his multiplication tables
Robbie for being extremely polite and helpful in class
Freya for producing some fantastic Scottish narrative

Amelie for developing more confidence in Maths and Literacy
Adam for focusing and working on his behaviour
Grace for always producing outstanding work of a high standard

Drishti for outstanding homework
Harry for school values, being a responsible citizen
Marc for super effort, trying his hardest in Literacy and Maths


Well done, everyone!




Skills Sharers

In Primary 5b, we have been developing our skills in leading our own learning in PE.

This means that once a week, some pupils are Skills Sharers and their job is to create stations and games to teach other children in the class.
This week we were developing ‘ball skills’ in hockey, football and basketball.  Alice, Lachlan, Connie, Maya and Alex were the Skills Sharers and they set up unique stations.

Skills Sharers must also: clearly explain their station, adapt their station to meet the needs of all pupils and include everyone.

We love developing skills for life through PE!

Here you can see Maya teaching her peers how to shoot in basketball.  She told them to make a W shape with their hands on the back of the ball so it was easier to control it and aim for the basket.


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Connie developed skills in dribbling in hockey.  She reminded everyone to keep the ball close to the stick.



Here are some children sharing their intended learning outcomes with the class.

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Glasgow Sight Seeing Trip

When we saw the open top bus we were surprised because we thought it wouldn’t come to the school gates.  There were two buses with ‘private hire’ displayed.

When the bus started moving, it was very cold, even though we were all wrapped up warm!  When we went under a tunnel the guide told us to scream and hold our breath.  It was also fun when the leaves touched the bus and they came falling down.  It was fun when we all caught the leaves!

First of all we went to Muirend and Cathcart. After that we went to centre of Glasgow where we saw St Enoch station. Then we saw the tower of Glasgow – it was special because it rotates 360 degrees, which we know is a full turn. It is also special because it is the only one in the world like it. We liked it because it looks nice.

The next thing we saw was the SECC (the Scottish Exhibition Conference Centre). We saw the Armadillo and the Hydro next to it. There used to be 40 cranes on the Clyde. Now there are only 2!
We saw the squinty bridge (the Clyde Ark) over the Clyde.  We got to go over another bridge and got a good view of the railway station.

After we drove around for a while, we went to Kelvingrove to look at the exhibits.  Some people looked at the Egyptians Mummies after we had had our snacks.  Then we went back on the bus but it wasn’t that cold this time.   We learnt lots of facts.  It was cool because we saw places that we might not have seen if we hadn’t gone on the trip.  I think that everyone really enjoyed it and we had lots of fun.

Written by Dan, Anna and Erin P5b

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A Walk in the Park

On the 5th October P5a and P5b went for a Scavenger Hunt in Linn Park.

We split into groups with Miss Montgomery, Mr Duncan, Mrs Keith, Mrs Chalmers and Mrs Coleman-Smith.

Every group got a bag each and we worked in partners to collect the items that were on the sheet.  Some examples are: acorns, sticks, pinecones and grass.
We also had to look and see if we could see squirrels, butterflies, ladybirds and animal prints.

We also noticed that some leaves were falling from the trees because it is autumn!  We tried to catch some leaves as they fell.

We had a Journal to complete after we had filled our bags.  There were some pages that asked you to make a finger print using mud!  We had to draw a map of Linn Park and trace the items in your bag, too!

Some horses came over the hill so we stood quietly to let them pass.  There was also time to explore some woods and caves that we discovered.

“Everyone had lots of fun!” Gabi P5b

“Linn Park was amazing!” Emily P5b

“It was the most fun ever!” Affan P5b

“It was great fun because we got to split into groups and find all of the items!” Alexander P5b

Written by P5b


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P4a sell bags for charity at Christmas Fayre

For the past few weeks we have been very busy making bags to sell for the charity Mary’s Meals.

Sean, our Global Citizenship Rep., met Lindsay from Mary’s Meals. She told him about how the charity started and what it does. We decided to raise money for this important charity.

So while we were doing maths, we had to figure out how much money it would cost to buy 100 bags, to buy enough paint and foam to make a stamp. Mrs Edgar bought these resources to help us make our stamp for the bags.

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Here is the stamp that Lucie made on the foam. We put a roller onto the stamp with paint then printed it onto the bag.

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Here are some pictures of the process.

Our topic has been about charities this term and Iona did a presentation on Mary’s Meals. 112_1170

She told us that £12.20 will feed 1 child for a whole  year. Thanks to the generosity of our family and friends, at the Christmas Fayre we managed to raise a whopping £153.60! The government will double this amount which means  that we have helped  feed 25 children for a whole year.

Thanks to those who bought our bags!

Primary 4a


Primaries 4b and 4c reporting …

Gaby and Cameron of P4b would like to share some of this week’s learning in Music with Mr Watson.
We do loads of fun things! We listen to The Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens and try to guess which animal is which. He composed music to be like different animals, like lions roaring and hunting and going to sleep. This week we were being kangaroos and learning the meanings of new words like crescendo and diminuendo.


Now for some comments from children in P4c.
Harry said “In Maths I liked identifying how many lines of symmetry each shape has.”
Jennifer commented “I had great fun using a viewfinder outside to draw a line drawing of a landscape. I chose to draw a large tree.”
Leonardo said “I really liked learning about the organs in the body. It was great fun!”

This Week’s News Brought to You by P4a!

This has been a very exciting week. We have had a science lesson about the bones in the human body. Guess what – we have over 200 bones in our body! We have built up so many skills in science. On Friday 13th we had so much fun dressing up in our fantastic opposites day costumes. Also on Friday at tuck we had special Pudsey Bear biscuits. We have had so much fun raising money for Children in Need!
By Lily and Abigail


Art and poetry on our doorstep

112_0812112_0816112_0813112_0806This week we have been going outside a lot to observe the beautiful Autumn colours all around us. They have given us lots of ideas for poetry (watch this space for some wonderful examples coming soon!) and also for art. P4d spent time in the playgound on Tuesday morning using viewfinders for line drawings. Nobody minded that it was quite cold and misty because they were concentrating on their work. Real artists go outside to draw in all weathers, after all!