Politics with P7!

Primary 7b have been learning about the Scottish Parliament.  The children were split into groups and randomly allocated a political party to work for.  It is important to remember that they were working ‘as’ that party for the purpose of learning about how politics works and that they may not have actually shared that party’s views.

Each party had a Leader and a Deputy Leader and these people, amongst others, spoke to Primary 6a to gain their votes! Leaflets, posters and other persuasive items had been hand-made for P6a to look at.  Lots of effort had been made by everyone, which we really appreciated.

Once each party had spoken to P6a and presented on their policies, we voted by placing a cross (X) next to the appropriate party and placing it in the Ballot Box.

“This made me more interested in looking at current politics!” Greta

“That was really fun!” Jamie K

Here are some pictures of our afternoon.  Thank you, P7b for your hard work, dedication and commitment.



As part of our Engineering Project, we had two engineers in to speak to us.  David Montgomery came in from TranServ Scotland and Ryan Maguire came in from Aggreko.  Both engineers were very engaging and we were inspired to be just like them – they stressed the importance of hard work and self-belief!

We are excited to continue our Engineering Project now that we have seen some real technical annotated drawings!  Pictures of our own annotated drawings will be uploaded soon.


Here are some pictures of us during the talks!