Celebrating Success

All of the children in Primary 5 achieve greatness on a regular basis.  They have high aspirations and try their best at all times.

Today, we had a Celebrating Success assembly where we celebrated some achievements from in our classes.

Congratulations to:

Mae for making excellent progress in maths
Alex for being a role model for good behaviour
Alexander for creating a spooky, eye- catching and atmospheric persuasive poser for ‘The Haunted Hotel’


Finn for working really hard and learning his multiplication tables
Robbie for being extremely polite and helpful in class
Freya for producing some fantastic Scottish narrative

Amelie for developing more confidence in Maths and Literacy
Adam for focusing and working on his behaviour
Grace for always producing outstanding work of a high standard

Drishti for outstanding homework
Harry for school values, being a responsible citizen
Marc for super effort, trying his hardest in Literacy and Maths


Well done, everyone!