Skills Sharers

In Primary 5b, we have been developing our skills in leading our own learning in PE.

This means that once a week, some pupils are Skills Sharers and their job is to create stations and games to teach other children in the class.
This week we were developing ‘ball skills’ in hockey, football and basketball.  Alice, Lachlan, Connie, Maya and Alex were the Skills Sharers and they set up unique stations.

Skills Sharers must also: clearly explain their station, adapt their station to meet the needs of all pupils and include everyone.

We love developing skills for life through PE!

Here you can see Maya teaching her peers how to shoot in basketball.  She told them to make a W shape with their hands on the back of the ball so it was easier to control it and aim for the basket.


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Connie developed skills in dribbling in hockey.  She reminded everyone to keep the ball close to the stick.



Here are some children sharing their intended learning outcomes with the class.

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