Glasgow Sight Seeing Trip

When we saw the open top bus we were surprised because we thought it wouldn’t come to the school gates.  There were two buses with ‘private hire’ displayed.

When the bus started moving, it was very cold, even though we were all wrapped up warm!  When we went under a tunnel the guide told us to scream and hold our breath.  It was also fun when the leaves touched the bus and they came falling down.  It was fun when we all caught the leaves!

First of all we went to Muirend and Cathcart. After that we went to centre of Glasgow where we saw St Enoch station. Then we saw the tower of Glasgow – it was special because it rotates 360 degrees, which we know is a full turn. It is also special because it is the only one in the world like it. We liked it because it looks nice.

The next thing we saw was the SECC (the Scottish Exhibition Conference Centre). We saw the Armadillo and the Hydro next to it. There used to be 40 cranes on the Clyde. Now there are only 2!
We saw the squinty bridge (the Clyde Ark) over the Clyde.  We got to go over another bridge and got a good view of the railway station.

After we drove around for a while, we went to Kelvingrove to look at the exhibits.  Some people looked at the Egyptians Mummies after we had had our snacks.  Then we went back on the bus but it wasn’t that cold this time.   We learnt lots of facts.  It was cool because we saw places that we might not have seen if we hadn’t gone on the trip.  I think that everyone really enjoyed it and we had lots of fun.

Written by Dan, Anna and Erin P5b

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