A Walk in the Park

On the 5th October P5a and P5b went for a Scavenger Hunt in Linn Park.

We split into groups with Miss Montgomery, Mr Duncan, Mrs Keith, Mrs Chalmers and Mrs Coleman-Smith.

Every group got a bag each and we worked in partners to collect the items that were on the sheet.  Some examples are: acorns, sticks, pinecones and grass.
We also had to look and see if we could see squirrels, butterflies, ladybirds and animal prints.

We also noticed that some leaves were falling from the trees because it is autumn!  We tried to catch some leaves as they fell.

We had a Journal to complete after we had filled our bags.  There were some pages that asked you to make a finger print using mud!  We had to draw a map of Linn Park and trace the items in your bag, too!

Some horses came over the hill so we stood quietly to let them pass.  There was also time to explore some woods and caves that we discovered.

“Everyone had lots of fun!” Gabi P5b

“Linn Park was amazing!” Emily P5b

“It was the most fun ever!” Affan P5b

“It was great fun because we got to split into groups and find all of the items!” Alexander P5b

Written by P5b


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