Roman News From Primary Four

It’s been another busy week of learning and fun in Primary 4! The highlight was our educational visit to Glasgow Museums Resource Centre at Nitshill, where we took part in the workshop “What Did the Romans do for Us?” – it was fantastic! The guides Brian and Lisa were amazed by our knowledge but we still managed to learn lots of new things!
We examined a distance slab from the Antonine Wall and took turns to be standard bearers. We marched like Roman soldiers, saluting and shouting “Hail, Caesar!” as we passed each other.
The Romans were amazing engineers and we enjoyed the opportunity to build bridges and aquaducts. Fascinating fact: they invented a weapon called a ballista which propelled a spear with enough force to go through five men!
For many of us, the best part of the visit was dressing up in Roman clothes – we really looked and felt the part!

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