Using a Search Engine

We have been learning to use search engines such as Google.

Search engines are websites where you can search for information or for websites. You can look up things that you don’t know or want to double check.

We have been thinking about when you might need to use Google. You can use it to find images. You can also use Google to find a map if you need to go somewhere that you have never been before. If you need to get a train somewhere and you aren’t sure what times the trains depart from your station, you could look that up on Google. If you were going to see a movie you could look up what times the film is on using a search engine. If you were not feeling well, you can look up your symptoms online to try and work out what is wrong with you. If you want to do some internet shopping you could Google the shop to find the website.

We used Google to research animals because our Science topic is Living and Non-Living Things. When you Google something, you just type in the keywords because if you don’t you will get too many websites to choose from. Once we had researched an animal on Google, we also learned how to find images and to copy and paste them into a word document.



Sam and Greta modelling what Google looks like – how excited does Sam look?!