All posts by Ms Williams

Drummer Boy

Congratulations to Tom Potter who took part in the UK Young Drummer of the Year competition and came in the top three. Only the winner was announced so to be mentioned for coming in the final three is an outstanding achievement and we’re sure his family are very proud of him despite the constant loud noise in their house!

Thank you

We have received a lovely letter from Yorkhill Children’s Charity following our Christmas Concert.  If you would like to read it, please click on the icon below.

Piping in Switzerland

Blair, S2, opened the 1st Christmas Tattoo in Basel, Switzerland.  The start of the event sees him help to tell the story, where he has a dream to be a piper.  The first scene opens with Blair and ‘the little drummer boy’.  He closes the event with a solo of Amazing Grace and is then joined by the RAF Pipe band and then the mass pipes and drums including the Royal Marines.  This was an amazing opportunity and achievement.  Huge congratulations to Blair for representing Scotland!

Watch his performance via the link starting at 1:42:46

Christmas Concert

Tickets are now available for this year’s Christmas Concert which will be held in the Ena Miller Theatre rather than the usual setting of Greenbank Parish Church, on Thursday 19th December.  Tickets are priced at £5 and £2.50.  Further information can be obtained from staff in the Music Department.

Le groupe de musique traditionnelle

The Williamwood High School Traditional Music Band has played at many venues over the last few years, including Celtic Connections, The Edinburgh Festival and Iona Abbey. In June 2013, after many rehearsals, where pupils continually showed great enthusiasm and dedication, the “Trad Band” set off for an exciting trip to Paris and Disneyland. The highlight of the trip was a concert in the Performing Arts Arena of Disneyland, where pupils performed a programme of traditional music, confidently and musically.


Afterwards pupils (and staff) had a great time enjoying some of the very scary theme park activities.

The remaining time was spent enjoying the weather, and exploring the fabulous sights and sounds of Paris and Brugge.


After a night on the boat from Zebruggee to Hull, where the cinema and fine cuisine were sampled enthusiastically by all, pupils and staff returned to Williamwood, tired but happy.

Fundraising advertisement

Mr West, the woodwind teacher at Williamwood, has gone to great lengths to produce a CD featuring his son Moray in order to raise funds.  What follows is the description of the CD that can be bought on Amazon.   It is also currently being advertised and played on Classic FM. 

“Scotland Boy is the extraordinary new album showcasing the sensational heartbreakingly beautiful treble voice of the young Scottish schoolboy Moray West. It features classical, Scots and popular songs and has been made with the Orchestra of Scottish Opera and many of Scotland’s finest professional musicians to help raise funds for Ciaran Pryce, who suffered a serious neck injury in a tragic rugby accident while playing for his High School (The Ciaran Pryce appeal fund has been set up by Cambuslang Rugby Club). Moray is the youngest boy to have been signed to the Syco/Sony BMG label and his first album which he made was with Angelis went platinum with sales of over 390,000 copies. Simon Cowell described the 11 year old boy Moray as “super talented” and “probably the best singer I have ever heard”. Moray was a member of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra Junior chorus and both he and Ciaran were members of the National Boys choir of Scotland under Christopher Bell. This timeless eclectic collection of songs is truly a special album.”

Copies can be bought from Mr West or on Amazon priced at £12.