Monthly Archives: March 2018

2018 Beethoven Junior Intercollegiate Piano Competition

Congratulations to S4 pupil Liana Storey who came second in the 2018 Beethoven Junior Intercollegiate Piano Competition at Chetham’s School of Music in Manchester last Sunday.  Liana was representing the Junior Conservatoire and had to perform two pieces: Beethoven’s Bagatelle Op. 119 No.5 plus a Beethoven Piano Sonata.  Well done Liana on this outstanding achievement.

Rotary Club Young Musician Competition 2018

Congratulations to S6 pupil Campbell Lang who was the runner up at the West of Scotland District Final of the Rotary Club Young Musician competition in the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland on Sunday 18th March.  Campbell now progresses to the Scotland and North of England final on Sunday 22nd April in the RCS.  We wish him good luck in the next round of the competition.