Music Colours

In Williamwood we have a huge number of talented musicians and we like to celebrate their achievements with the presentation of half and full colour ties.  In this session so far the following students have received this award:

Half colours

Jack Addie S1            sings in the RSNO Junior Chorus

Aalia Shah S1            plays violin in the East Renfrewshire Senior String Orchestra

Liana Storey S1         studies piano at the Junior Conservatoire and received distinction in  her Grade 7 exam

Eilidh Galloway S3      studies clarinet and piano at the Junior Conservatoire

Becky Paton S3          studies violin at the Junior Conservatoire

Dan McKinnon S4       Grade 5 theory with merit

Full colours

Ben Drake S1            plays bassoon in the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain

Blair Dickinson S3      pipes in the National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland

Emma Wilson S3        plays violin in NYOS Junior Orchestra

Lewis Graham S5      plays clarinet in NYOS Senior Orchestra

Andrew MacLeod S5 plays trombone in NYOS Senior Orchestra

Beth McNeil S5          plays tenor drum in Shotts and Dykehead Caledonia, the World Champion Drum Corps at the recent Pipe Band World Championship