A simple dash of some chemicals, then set alight! Fire writing was this week’s superb experiment at the S1 Science club and our pupils once again thoroughly enjoyed their experience!
More pictures are available HERE.
A simple dash of some chemicals, then set alight! Fire writing was this week’s superb experiment at the S1 Science club and our pupils once again thoroughly enjoyed their experience!
More pictures are available HERE.
All pupils in S1/S2 and in P6/P7 of our associated primary schools have now received a letter inviting them to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) fair. This will be held on Wednesday 11 October between 6pm and 8:30pm. This event has been highly successful over the last few years engaging both pupils and parents in a variety of activities. We are delighted to welcome back some previous exhibitors, including the Glasgow Science Centre with their entertaining and informative show, Disgusting Digestion. We also look forward to welcoming new partners who will be attending for the first time. We look forward to an exciting and informative evening for both pupils and parents.
Last week in S1 Science clubs, our young scientists completed a famous and fun experiment; Elephant’s Toothpaste! By combining a range of chemicals, an extravagant and surprising reaction takes place!
More photos can be found HERE.
This week our Science club for S1 pupils completed flame tests, where different chemicals are seen to burn with different colours. This is particularly used in analytical chemistry to find the identity of unknown solutions. Pictures of the pupils completing the experiments are shown HERE.
The 12th of September sees Williamwood’s annual S1 information evening for parents. Those who visit the Science department will find out information about our courses, including our password-protected online resources for each S1 and S2 unit.
For further information, navigate using the tabs above.
Alternatively, click HERE for further information about the S1 course.
Click HERE for further information about the S2 course.
And click HERE for further information on the S1 Science club.
Should you not have the password to access our online materials, then your child should ask their Science teacher for it asap!
The Williamwood High School STEM fair will take place on Wednesday 11 October. The event has previously shown itself to be an exciting evening, showcasing engaging science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) experiments, interesting puzzles and a range of games. A number of our exceptional partners involved in STEM industries are signed up to attend and provide experiments and displays which are different from those normally provided within our classes. There will also be competitions for pupils to take part in, more details of which will follow soon.
The main aim of the fair is to improve and aid the transition from primary to secondary, and as such, an invite is extended to all P6 and P7 pupils in our feeder primary schools. All pupils in S1 and S2 are also invited.
Further information regarding the fair shall be relayed to parents in the near future.