British Science Week

We are now in the middle of British Science Week and S2 pupils in a variety of different subjects are completing a set of of  problem with the heading; “Mission to Mars”.

In Science, pupils are considering the key areas and problems with living in space over an extended period of time. They are also looking to provide solutions to these problems. This task is predominately research based and their information will be displayed as a poster style presentation.

In Design and Technology, pupils are designing a Mars rover that is suitable for carrying astronauts on Mars. They are considering problems such as the terrain, an ability to take rock samples and the ability to control the rover from Earth.

BICT are looking at designing a program to control the rover from Earth. They will be considering problems, such as the time taken by radio waves to travel from Earth to Mars.

All pupil work will be displayed in the Street over the next couple of weeks. Check back here for some pictures of the work.
