All posts by Mr Hendry

BICT S3 Business Management Christmas Fayre

S3 Business Management classes got Christmas off to a great start with a Christmas Fayre in The Street, tempting buyers with homemade cakes, ice cream sundaes, Christmas charms and Santa’s lucky bags. Each class came up its own ideas, raised finance through a share issue, marketed and sold their products at the fayre.  Needless to say the staff and pupils of Williamwood supported the event wholeheartedly and all the stalls were bare before lunchtime was over!   The class with the best profit margin will be declared the Top Christmas Company.  All shareholders will have their share money returned plus a well earned dividend! A donation from the profits will also be made to Amnesty International. <gallery of images>

BICT ‘Activities’ day trips

The BICT department has been taking a leading role on Activities day organising three trips, the ‘Arran powerboat’ ,  ‘Spa day’ and ‘Edinburgh’ Dungeons’. All the trips were a major success and highly popular with the students.

Psychology comes to BICT!

Higher Psychology is now being offered to S6 students and is very popular with two classes running in August.

‘Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success’  Dr. Joyce Brothers