Parental Consultation

Dear Parent,

The Parent Council recently received an invitation to respond to a consultation from the Scottish Government regarding a Scottish Parliament Members Bill Consultation into the Proposed Restricted Roads (20mph Limit) (Scotland) Bill. The bill proposes reducing the default speed limit in urban and residential areas from 30mph to 20mph, which would have an impact on schools and in particular families who walk or cycle to school.

The Bill was discussed at the Parent Council Meeting on Tuesday 13th June 2017 and there was unanimous agreement to submit a letter to the Government on behalf of the Parent Council and Parent Forum in support of this Bill. Please could I ask you to review the consultation and the attached letter of support. If you have any concerns with supporting this Bill, please could you email by Friday 30th June. Following this date the letter will be submitted to the Scottish Government on behalf of Busby Parent Council and Parent Forum.

Individuals may also send any other comments, or responses via the contact details below:

It is also possible to submit your response electronically by sending them to:

or by post to:

Mark Ruskell MSP

Room MG.17

Scottish Parliament

Edinburgh, EH99 1SP

All responses should be received no later than 07/08/2017


Kind regards


Stuart Nicklin

Chair, Busby Parent Council

20mph Consultation – Invitation to Respond

20mph Executive Summary

BPC 20MPH consultation