Scottish Parliament

Thank you to Jackson Carlaw and his staff for organising a behind the scenes look at the Scottish Parliament for our S4 Modern Studies pupils today. The insightful tour finished with a lively Q&A session with the Eastwood MSP, before the pupils watched a debate in the chamber on education.

Chinese New Year


On Friday the 3rd of February the Communication Support Service hosted a Chinese New Year lunch. Pupils have been studying China as part of their Modern Studies, Personal Development and Community courses. Guests were treated to a variety of Chinese cuisine. Well done to the S1 & S2 CSS pupils for organinsing the event in the year of the rooster.

IDL Project

S1 pupils have been enjoying an Inter-Disciplinary Learning project between the Modern Studies, French and Art & Design departments focusing on ‘Democracy’. The pupils will be helping film, edit and produce a video in conjunction with Scottish Film Education.
