All posts by Ms Bradley

Pirate Fun!

Pirates ahoy!
Pirates ahoy!

We are settling back into our nursery routine and looking forward to the summer term. Our imaginative area has become a Pirate Ship by popular demand and we are having great fun telling imaginative pirate stories. We are being the author and illustrator of our stories!
Even more exciting is our new nursery Twitter page. Please follow us @giffnocknursery and you’ll be able to keep bang up to date with what we are getting up to and also find all sorts of useful information.
Our forest visits restart on Thursday for our preschool children so no doubt it will be raining! Every cloud has a silver lining however as we have just taken delivery of our new rainsuits and are keen to try them out!

Fire Engine Fun

We voted for a new imaginative area recently and there was an overwhelming vote in favour of a fire station/engine. We couldn’t believe our luck when a real fire engine arrived from Clarkston fire station and we got to climb into the cab and  try on hemets and breathing apparatus! We squirted the hoses at the trees and the wall and great fun was had by all.


That was our last forest visit till after the Easter break when a new group of children will go. We have been learning to use tools safely, build nests and dens and have been finding out about what creatures might live in the underground house that we found. Magnifying glasses and torches came in very handy here!

We are looking forward to a well earned break over Easter and wish everyone a happy holiday. Remember to get outside and play!

Winter Fun

The afternoon nursery class have just successfully performed their assembly in front of parents, carers and Primary 1 to 3. They were amazing!

The theme was Winter Fun and they showed off what they’ve been learning and experiencing at nursery in the winter weather 🙂

We are looking forward to starting our Forest Visits again this week with a group of preschool children. Let’s hope Spring is in the air soon!

Olaf, our little snowman.
Olaf, our little snowman.


Welcome back!

We are back into our routine and having a busy time at nursery. We have just taken delivery of some lovely new resources and watched with interest as the children ignored them, preferring to play with the cardboard boxes they came in. We thought you might enjoy this short film about “The Adventures of a Cardboard Box.”
Here is the link. Enjoy!