Tag Archives: Science

We’re all about staying health and being fit this year!

So far this year we have been busy learning about germs. We all know germs aren’t very nice but now we know how quickly and easily they can spread, and how sick they can make us. We created some horrible looking germ masks to wear during our assembly. We worked hard at our presentation skills so we could give an informative and interesting assembly, which would help everyone to remember the importance of washing their hands. We also had a lot of fun learning some new songs to get the health message across.

As well as presenting during assembly we have also been doing lots of presentations and having discussions in class. We have been sharing our fabulous Rainforest power points, which we created last term, and giving some peer feedback on each other’s success. We are also spending this whole term talking about the books we love to read and why we would recommend them to others.

In Art we have begun learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the famous Scottish architect and artist. We love the style of his work and have been trying to spot that distinctive design outside of school. We have found it in jewellery, mirrors, stained glass windows and furniture. We have been trying our hand at some Charles Rennie Mackintosh art and have started to really get the hang of his style with the use of lines, boxes and, of course, roses. Our first piece was a book mark but we are looking forward to creating some stained glass windows and designing some jewellery too.

Awesome Achievers
This New Year has begun with a sporty sprint. We love being part of the many clubs and classes, which we attend out with school. They help to keep us fit and encourage us to continuously set new targets and to celebrate reaching our goals. This month we have had great sporting success ice skating and roller skating. We have also enjoyed achievements in swimming and football.

Autumn update

In Science we have been learning about different materials. We now know the difference between natural and man-made materials and have been out to the playground to investigate this further.

In Art, we have been using different media such as chalk, oil pastels and paint to create fantastic Bonfire pictures.

During ICT, we have been designing PowerPoints. We have been learning how to change the font size and colour as well as inserting relevant pictures and information.

P2b have been Awesome Achievers again this month! At home we have been helping around the house by looking after our pets and helping to set the table and make dinner. Some of us have been developing our skills in swimming and football.