Tag Archives: RME

P2b’s September Blog

We have been learning about The Rainforest. We now know the names of the four different layers within The Rainforest; these are the forest floor, the emergent layer, the canopy and the understory. We have investigated and recorded the different animals, plants and trees that live in each layer. We have created a display using our artwork, from our Rainforest topic, using various materials.

In RME we have been learning about the Christian festival of Harvest and how this festival is celebrated around the world.

In French we have been learning how to say different types of food and we are revising numbers to ten.

Awesome Achievers
P2b have been awesome achievers this month. We have been learning lots of new skills at school and at home. At home we have been helping in the garden and also how to take care of ourselves by brushing our teeth. At our clubs we have been practising skills such as learning how to dive as well as improving our performance in tennis and golf.