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This month we have been busy bakers. As part of our Farm to Fork topic, we learned all about how flour is made from wheat and then we made our own bread. We mixed, we kneaded, we had to wait a while for it to rise, we put it in the oven and then we really really enjoyed it with jam or butter. There were lots of sticky faces in Primary 1 that afternoon! Afterwards we wrote a recipe for bread. At home we have also been busy making or baking and writing recipes. We have been treated to lots of lovely snacks in the classroom.
We were lucky to spend two sunny Friday afternoons up at the Trim Trail with Mrs Bradley doing some outdoor learning. We had fun in the mud kitchen, we enjoyed the hammock, the tyre swing and playing with the ropes.
We have been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly.

A spring in our step

March has been another very busy month in Primary 1. We have been thinking a lot about our rights and needs and we created a class charter. However we have been learning that there are children in the world whose rights are not being met. We have taken part in lots of activities this month to help raises awareness and money for others.
For Fairtrade Fortnight we brought in packaging and took part in the Big Breakfast. We had fairtrade pancakes, fairtrade banana smoothie and orange juice. We also ran a mile for Sports Relief. It was ‘exhausting, tiring and lots of fun.’
As part of ‘Water Week’ we had a visitor from Water Aid who told us about building wells in other countries. Also this week we visited Eastwood Park to see the signs of Spring. Rio spotted a bird’s nest and we counted, daffodils, crocuses and also spotted some birds.
spring 2

spring 1

spring 3

February Fun

February has been such a fun filled busy month! We completed our Birdwatch in the playground and the surround area. Some of the birds we saw were crows, pigeons, blackbirds and a robin. We have really enjoyed learning lots more about the birds that we can spot in our own gardens. In February it was also Chinese New Year. To celebrate the year of the monkey we learned the story about all of the animals in the race, we made masks, watched a traditional dragon dance and even had a Chinese feast. Our favourite things to eat were noodles with soya sauce and the prawn crackers. We also celebrated Shrove Tuesday by eating some pancakes in class with a choice of toppings. We found out more about how other countries celebrate Shrove Tuesday such as Mardi Gras. IMG_2516

Our January Blog

We have been very busy in January. We have been learning about birds that you can find in your gardens or in our playground like the blackbird, seagull, chaffinch, robin, blue tit, sparrow hawk pigeon, house sparrow, magpie and crow. In preparation for our birdwatch we have made bird feeders and hung them in the playground to attract lots of birds. We have been learning French colours like rouge, blanc, vert, noir, bleu and jaune. This month we were treated to a weekend of snow where we went sledging and we made snowmen. In school, we wrote winter stories, designed scarfs and made winter pictures from chalk. Last Friday we went on a trip to the Orchardhill Parish Church where we met Mr Miller. He told us lots of interesting information and fun facts about the church. He gave us a tour and answered all of our questions. He told us that a long time ago before Giffnock Primary School was much larger, it was held in the church.
We are looking forward to lots of February fun including our birdwatch, pancake day and Chinese New Year.

‘From fruity fun to book bugs’

November has been a very busy time for us in Primary 1. Some of our favourite things have been our healthy eating topic and our trip last week to the Giffnock Library.
We brought in pictures of ourselves when we were younger to see how much we’ve grown. We loved seeing everyone’s photographs. Food is one of the things that have helped us grow tall to big 5 year old. We discovered that everyone likes and dislikes different things. We also had a competition to see who the healthiest group was and we all tried hard to bring in healthy snacks such as grapes, bananas, oranges, fruit bars, apples, yoghurts and cereal bars.
In class we had fun making our own healthy snacks we made some smoothies from frozen raspberries, peaches, bananas, yoghurt and some orange juice. We also made fruit kebabs and we chose from a wide selection of fruits.
We were invited to Giffnock library for Book Week Scotland. We all got a book bag with 3 different book and we are going to vote for our favourite book.
We are now looking forward to our Christmas Show.

Awesome Achievers – September

In Primary 1b we have been celebrating many awesome achievements this month. There are many sporting achievements such as learning to ride a bike without stabilisers, starting tennis lessons and making great progress at the swimming pool. Other pupils have been trying hard to become more independent by tying their own ties, putting on their uniforms and being able to open their own snacks.
Well done Primary 1 🙂