Delightfully, dazzling December Blog


Class Novel – The Christmasaurus

We have loved reading Tom Fletcher’s novel The Christmasaurus. We were even more delighted when we found out that Mrs Benzie had the musical edition! It is a story about a boy named William Trundle, and a dinosaur, the Christmasaurus. It’s about how they meet one Christmas Eve and have a magical adventure. It’s about friendship and families, sleigh bells and Santa, singing elves and flying reindeer, music and magic. It’s about discovering your heart’s true desire, and learning that the impossible might just be possible . . .

Lexi said, “I loved this book so much that my elf on the shelf brought me it as a special gift!”

Zaynah added, “We know nearly all the words to the songs now!”

Hannah said. “I like this book because I like dinosaurs.”


St Andrew’s Day written by Rory, Daisy, Zoe, Hasnain and Euan

We have learned that Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. Patron saint means protector. He is also the patron saint of fishing and rope makers.  St Andrews day is on the 30th November each year. We found out that he was one of the disciples of Jesus.


Advent Traditions written by Mariam, Kallen, Theo and Erin

The word advent means “coming”. Christians celebrate Advent as it counts down the birth, or coming, of Jesus. Advent starts the Sunday closest to the 30th of November. In the church there is a wreath with candles. These candles are lit on the four Sundays leading up to Christmas and another is lit on Christmas Eve/Day. We successfully completed research to find out about the symbolism and meanings behind the wreath and candles.


Drawing Skills written by Isla, Angus, Ayaan, Murray and Hadia

We have been learning to use easy shapes to create more complex pictures. We have been using the Art Hub videos on YouTube to draw our own impressive versions of the Disney Inside Out characters; Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness.


Money written by Scott, David, Preetha and Anniyah

We have been learning about adding and subtracting with money. We have used coins to pay and give change. We have looked at mental calculations and written calculations, making sure we remember the decimal point. We know that there are 100 pennies in a pound. We have also been coming up with different combinations of coins for the same value.


Music written by Jessica, Cameron, Ruairidh and Olivia

We have started listening to The Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens. We have been listening carefully and commenting on the pitch, mood, volume and pace of the music and predicting which instruments are played.


Newspapers written by Dougie, Rahma, Archie and Lakhveer

We have been learning about the features of newspapers. We can now identify the headline, orientation (introduction), main body, photo, caption and reorientation (conclusion). We have written our own headlines for stories. These needed to be short and catchy. We challenged ourselves by trying to use alliteration.


Achievements in November

Lots of pupils in Primary 4b are enjoying being a part of music and drama clubs. They have been learning how to sing in different pitches, learning how to sing as part of a choir and taking part in a show where they performed all the pantomime’s there has ever been in thirty minutes!

Many of our pupils take part in an outdoor club after school. They have learned how to make spears, survive in the wild and how to dress appropriately for these activities…always remember your gloves!