The East Renfrewshire Council S2 Standardised Assessment Programme in English and Mathematics will start week beginning Monday 11 November 2019. As you are aware East Renfrewshire Council carry out Standardised Assessments to track the progress of pupils from Primary 1 to the end of Second Year.
Below are the specific arrangements for the preparation and implementation of the assessments in the English and Mathematics which are in line with the other secondary schools in East Renfrewshire.
These tests will take place over 3 periods for both subjects on the following days:
Mathematics: Monday 11, Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 November 2019
- Three Papers: Paper 1, Paper 2 and Mental Maths. These are all non-calculator assessments.
Pupils will prepare for the assessment by working through the required skills with their teacher after the October break.
English: Friday 15, Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 November 2019
- Three Papers: Reading 1, 2 and 3. No dictionaries allowed.
There are three Close Reading passages which are linked by topic but derived from different genres of writing. For example, the passages may be sourced from fiction such as a novel extract and non-fiction such as a newspaper report or a promotional leaflet.
Each class has been working on Close Reading skills in class and will have attempted some homework exercises. This will build up between the end of October and the Standardised Assessment. It may also be helpful to do a little personal reading practice at home with the opportunity to discuss the text and check unfamiliar vocabulary.
If you have any questions about the East Renfrewshire Council S2 Standardised Assessments please contact your child’s Pastoral Support Teacher or Mr Fuchs.