Primary 1e School Trip

Primary 1e had an excellent time at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. We enjoyed taking part in role play and some of us even dressed up as the King and Queen! We loved exploring different parts of the museum and we learned about the planets, animals, rainforests, famous artists and many other interesting topics!

P1b Share their Learning at Home

In P1b today we were sharing what we learned from our February homework grids. We all chose to do different activitites. Here is a remnder of our homework grid along with some of the things we learned:

Literacy Numeracy and Mathematics Broad General Education Health and Wellbeing
Use your stage words to write a sentence. Remember to use a capital letter at the start and full stop at the end. Look around your house and find as many 2D shapes as you can. Choose from below:

·         Take a photo

·         Draw a picture

·         Make a list of what you can see.

Do you have a favourite animal/pet? Can you find out some information about an animal? Draw a picture or make a poster. Count to 20 as you practise:

·         hopping

·         skipping

·         jumping

Write a list of 5 animals.

Challenge: can you list the animals in alphabetical order?

Count up in 2s as far as you can go. Go out a walk and find 5 living things and 5 non-living things. Make a healthy snack with an adult.
Read a book with your family. Pick and describe your favourite character. Sort and name the coins in your house. Make a symmetrical picture. You may want to use natural objects, for example, sticks, stones, shells, leaves, acorns, etc. Talk about what makes a good friend with a member of your family.
Describe winter. Choose from below:

·         Draw a picture

·         Write a story

·         Go for a walk and describe what you see/feel/hear/smell.

Find as many different ways as you can to make the number 6.

For example:

0 + 6 = 6

Children can use objects to help them, for example, fruit, sweets, cubes, finger bunny ears, etc.

Find out 4 facts about Scotland. For example:

·         Look on the map

·         Name some famous places

·         Name some famous people

Use a timer to brush your teeth for 2 minutes.
Write the alphabet using flour, salt or shaving foam.

“I learned about goldfish because I have 4 at home. They have no eyelids so they always sleep with their eyes open”  (Isabella)

“I found 30 2D shapes around my house” (Ethan)

“I told my family that I think a good friend should be caring and sharing” (Salman)

“I wrote a story about winter- it was about animals hibernating” (Anna)

“I learned that rabbits are masters of hearing and can turn their ears 180 degrees” (Abbi)

“My Mummy and I counted up to 1281 in twos! It was quite tricky- my Mummy had to help me with the bigger numbers” (Susannah)

“I made a fruit kebab as my healthy snack” (Finlay)

“My Mummy helped me to see all of the differerent ways I could make 6” (Zahraa)

P1b Love Science Experiments

We have been learning about water as part of our Holiday topic. We wanted to find out which things float in water and which things sink in water. We decided to carry out an experiment to find out. We made predictions (good guesses) first and then tested these out.

We then decided to add some salt to see if things would float more easily in salt water. We tested this out with an egg. We found that the egg floated in the water that had the salt added. We now know that things are more likely to float in the sea especially if it is very salty.

I liked doing the sheet to guess what would float and what would sink. Some of my predictions were right.  Abbi

I liked putting things into the water to see if they would float or sink. Ethan

Primary 1b’s Pilot Visit

As part of our holiday topic, Mrs Kirk (Ethan’s Mummy) kindly came in to tell us about what it is like to be a pilot. She loves to fly people to their holiday destinations. This was very exciting and we learned so much including:

“what all the buttons are for” (Calli)

“how to start and stop the plane” (Lilly)

“on a long flight a pilot can have a little nap and the other pilot takes over. They take shots each” (Abbi)


Busy Bees

We have had a very busy start to Primary one and can’t wait to share our learning journeys as we progress through school.

“Our first couple of weeks at school have been so much fun. We have met lots new friends and seen old friends from our nursery classes.” Isabella P1b

Each day is a new challenge and the boys and girls have quickly settled into the routine of school.

Primary one started off by having conversations with their teachers about what they would like to learn about in Primary one. They came up with some fantastic ideas! Ask your child about the topic their class has chosen to focus on for the first term. The children will have regular opportunities to ‘lead their own learning’ and this is just one of the ways we facilitate this in Primary one.

The children have enjoyed their first few days in our Outdoor Classroom, during Muddy Movers time. This term we are focusing on skills such as, co-operation and teamwork, as well as balancing and movement. Please ensure your child has suitable clothing for these days (waterproofs & wellies) and encourage them to practise changing in and out of these at home.

I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play.
HWB 0-22a

“Help me make a tent”


“This is our healthy restaurant, what would you like to order?”

“If you balance on this log, it is steady.”

I am learning to move my body well, exploring how to manage and control it and finding out how to use and share space. HWB 0-21a


“We are learning to balance and be safe during our activities.”

Throughout Primary one, children will be encouraged to apply literacy and numeracy skills outdoors and in new contexts.

As I listen and talk in different situations, I am learning to take turns and am  developing my awareness of when to talk and when to listen.
LIT 0-02a / ENG 0-03a

Inside the classroom the children have began learning sounds and numbers. This term in Literacy they are focusing on identifying the initial sound of words, rhyming, blending sounds together and even some sight words, for when they are ready to read.

I enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of language and can use what I learn. LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a /LIT 0-20a

“The shaving foam is so much fun, I love drawing my letters in it. If I make a mistake I just quickly rub it out!”


In Numeracy, the children are being challenged to count, order and identify numbers to 10 and beyond! Look out for some pictures of the activities they get up to during task time and independent learning.

I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.
MNU 0-02a



The boys and girls have had lots of opportunities for independent learning in our open area.

“The teachers have been busy making lots of new areas for us to learn in.”

This term, the children decided they would like a ‘Construction’ space, a ‘Home’ and ‘Dress-Up’ corner, ‘Messy Play’ area and a ‘Natural Art’ space.

We would welcome any donations for the open area. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you think you could help.

We are working on our fine motor skills at ‘Funky Finger’ stations in our classrooms and getting creative in other areas too.

Watch this space!


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