Have a look what P3c have been doing!

Digital Technology

We tried using the Virtual Reality Headsets which we have recently got in the school! We absolutely loved using them!

Maths fun

We regularly use Kahoot quizzes to help consolidate our learning in class. This group were playing a division quiz!

We also enjoyed practising our times tables through multiplication snap!

Talking and Listening 

We have been working together in small groups to discuss the importance of our rights and responsibilities which we have been learning about in our topic!





P3c have been learning to use technology and other methods to describe, follow and record directions.

P3c have been learning to use technology and other methods to describe, follow and record directions using words associated with angles, directions and turning including full turn, half turn, quarter turn, clockwise, anticlockwise, right turn, left turn and right angle.
We enjoyed using the beebots, probots and playing the game ‘follow the leader’.

P3d Share Their Projects

Check out P3d’s Blog!

P3d presented their amazing projects on their chosen aspect of the Celts topic.  The children have worked really hard researching and developing their investigative skills and should be extremely proud of themselves.

Eva-Grace said, “I liked learning about the Celts and how they made their houses and clothes.”

“The Celts topic was interesting. I put a lot of effort into making my powerpoint  but I really enjoyed it.”  said Eamon.

“I felt really pleased with the Celtic house that I made.” Matthew said.

P3b Present their research projects!

Primary 3b have been very busy! Last term they learned all about The Celts.

As part of their homework research task they selected an aspect of Celtic life in the past and by using historical evidence, they produced some amazing pieces of evidence.


Some boys and girls choose to make Power Points about Celtic food, homes, weapons and even Law and order in Celtic times.  Some of them made models of swords, shields and roundhouses.  Others made fact files and posters.  The pupils very much enjoyed showing off their projects and worked very hard on their presenting skills.

They loved comparing aspects of Celtic life to modern day life and contributing to many discussions around this.  They found out some amazing facts and really enjoyed sharing them with the class.

P3b have done some wonderfully impressive research and investigation and they have really learned from one another’s presentations.

Well done P3b, very impressive work.


Designing Magnetic Games

Check out P3d’s Blog. Over the last number of weeks P3d have been investigating forces on magnetic and non-magnetic items. We worked together in small groups at a variety of Stations to learn about magnets.

From there we progressed to designing magnetic games. We had to decide on what type of game we wanted to create and then decide on the materials that would be needed. We wrote out instructions so that other groups would know how to play our games.

We are really pleased with our finished games!

P3b – Badminton

Today, P3b were working very hard on their control skills in PE.  They really enjoyed using balloons to practice controlling a piece of light equipment like a shuttlecock.

The balloons were a fantastic way of allowing the pupils control and manoeuvre quickly whilst trying to keep them in the air.  They used badminton rackets in pairs to practice their passing skills.

Then, they worked in teams of four to practice passing the balloon through a hoop.  This was a great way for them to practice keeping control of the balloon whilst trying to get it through the hoop.

Well done P3b.  You worked very hard this morning as a team and you were very successful. We are looking forward to lots more fun playing badminton.

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