
P4b have been learning about estimating and measure in Maths. We used our knowledge of everyday objects and our eye for detail to estimate the length of items of our choice. We measured the items and recorded and compared the results.

We then used some different measuring instruments to measure larger objects and distance outside. Our estimates improved with practice!

We estimated that Mr McGarvey would be 2m but he was 1m 12cm!

Scotland Street School

Primary 4b have been learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Social Studies. This week we went on a trip to Scotland Street School Museum.

In the morning we met the Head Master; he was very strict! We went on a tour of some of the museum and learned about what life would have been like for children when the school first opened. Boys and girls played separately and even took different lessons! The girls would learn how to cook, clean and look after a home, whilst the boys learned woodwork and other skills to prepare them for the world of work.

We made the bed, including new pillow cases and sheets – we promise to do our own at home from now on!

Polishing the brass was a job for the girls.
Laying the table and preparing food was a job for the girls.
In lessons, no one dared to move. If you misbehaved you would be given the belt!
Here we are learning how to bake, we thought that this would an enjoyable lesson but the Head Master told us that because of the stoves, it would have been hot, uncomfortable and dangerous!
Here we are polishing the shoes for the men of the house!
Here we are doing our drill. The boys and girls would usually do this separately.
We had a lot of dishes to wash and dry!

The irons were very heavy. Girls would have done this for 3 hours a day at school!

In the afternoon we took part in a workshop called Shapes of Mackintosh which was great fun! We loved being in a building that Charles Rennie Mackintosh had designed and enjoyed looking at all of the hidden shapes and symbols.

We created shapes with our bodies.
In groups we created larger shapes together. This group created a star!
We created a pentagon!
We created a cone!
Another star!
We also created a star!

At the end of our workshop we created our own pieces of artwork by printing and painting.
We went outside to look for different shapes around the building. We learned about the shapes that Mackintosh used to represent different things. The Mackintosh Squares in the background are a thistle!
We created a sphere!

Influential Scots

Primary 4a have been examining influential Scots from history. Last week theyĀ studied John Logie Baird andĀ discussed theĀ influence he has had on their lives today. The children then worked in groups to design and create a television of the future. They used their presenting skills to confidently share their ideas with their classmates.

Famous, Historic and Influential Scots Topic

Primary 4d spent the afternoon researching prominent figures of their choice from Scotland’s past, taking notes about their lives and discussing their achievements in groups. We then had a lively class discussion and the pupils debated, shortlisted and chose the 5 people that they wanted to learn more about over the course of the topic. The famous, historic and influential Scots chosen by the class are:

Calgacus – First Scot to be recorded in history;

John Logie Baird – Inventor of the television;

Alexander Fleming – Discoverer of penicillin;

Robert Louis Stevenson – Famous Scottish novelist;

James Watt –Ā  Inventor and engineer.


Well done primary 4d!

Imaginative Writing

Primary 4a have been learning to engage their readers in their writing this week. They have been exploring different settings and using lots of ambitious vocabulary to add excitement and suspense to their stories. They worked as a team to add as many adjectives as possible to the setting they were given before writing indepedently.

“We were learning how to work as a team to describe a setting.” (Hannah H)

“I liked working as a team because we all had a job to do.” (Matthew)

“I liked that my team worked together and didn’t argue.” (Lara)

“I enjoyed writing about a setting using interesting adjectives.” (Leilani)

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