Warbutons visit P3

Warbutons visited Primary 3 classes this week.

They learned all about healthy eating and what it means to eat healthy snacks.

They discussed healthy sandwich fillings and even got to make their own sandwich.

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They watched a video about the process of making the bread at the Warbutons factory.

At the end, the boys and girls were very lucky to take home a loaf of wholemeal bread to share with their families. Ā I hope you enjoyed them.

Thank you very much to Warbutons, P3b really enjoyed their morning.

Have a look what P3c have been doing today!

Have a look at what we have been doing today. A very busy Monday in 3c!Ā 


Have a look at the range of activities we have been participating in this week during Numeracy. Some of us were practising our Vertical Subtraction. We have also been learning about information handling and have been creating our own bar graphs and Carroll diagrams. We have been playing games on MyCity to help us read information from tables and graphs. We have also been learning about fractions and have been finding a fraction of a number. We played pairs with fraction cards to learn in a fun way! Have a look below.


This is us enjoying playing Battle of the Giants to practise our mental maths skills.

Healthy Eating – a visit from Warburtons!

Today we were lucky enough to have Warburtons visit us. We learned all about healthy eating and the different food groups. We were taught about what we need to do before we prepare food and then we got the chance to create our own sandwich with a choice of filling! Warburtons also gave us a loaf of Warburtons bread to take home and make our own sandwiches.

World Religions Week

During the last fortnight we have been learning about Judaism. We were lucky enough to have Mrs Wolfson speak to us this afternoon about different aspects of the Jewish faith.


Special Achievement

We are so proud of Matthew Brophy in our class who has been fundraising for the Beatson Cancer Charity. Matthew managed to raise Ā£290 by asking his friends to donate to the Beatson instead of buy him a Birthday present. What a lovely act of kindness Matthew.

Class AssemblyĀ 

Please remember that this Friday at 9:15am it is our class assembly in the Junior Hall. If you are free please come and join us.

Primary 3b have been very busy!

P3b have been very busy this week and last week.

Last week outdoors, we made shapes with sticks and put cubes into them, to identify angles in shapes.

This week, we made numbers with sticks, and put cubes into the numbers to show where the angles were and how many they could find.

This term, for science, P3b are working in the STEM room, exploring forces. We have been working with magnets and investigating whether or not materials are magnetic. They have been doing a lot of research and investigation.



Welcome back Primary 3c!

Primary 3c have settled quickly back into routine after the Christmas holidays! We have been enjoying getting to know our new teacher Miss Young and we congratulate Miss Harris on the birth of her new baby girl Valentina.

We enjoyed working with our music specialist today!

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Today during our outdoor learning time we used natural materials to create our spelling words! We also did some handwriting through finding patterns in nature.

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We have started a new social studies topic of the Celts and we are looking forward to finding out more. We have also started a new class novel ‘The Invisible Boy’.


Have a look at what P3c have been doing this week!

Primary 3c have been enjoying using the laptops and have been learning how to create Powerpoint presentations which they will present to the class.

We have also had fun with our specialist music teacher this week and have been learning to identify different musical beats.

We enjoyed playing Who Wants to Be a Millionaire to practise our mental maths! Shreya managed to win Ā£1,000,000 :)! Ā We all enjoyed taking part.

There have also been lots of recent personal achievements! Have a look below..

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