P3a Celtic Drama.

Today primary 3a made the most of the sun shine and took our final Celts social studies lesson outside.

We had great fun creating our freeze frames within our groups. We performed them to the rest of the class and demonstrated our understanding of how people in the past lived differently.

First, we practiced and brainstormed…


Then, we got into our performance circle to performed our freeze frames.


“Fighting the Romans.”

Nicholas- “I enjoyed making the freeze frame up.”

Ibrahim- “I was a Roman soldier and I was shooting a bow and arrow.”

Hannah H- “I enjoyed making all the poses and changing them.”

Sara- “I loved learning about the Celts.”

Humza- “I was the invisible Celt.”

“Fighting for Freedom”

Adam- “I liked going into battle against the Celts.”

Robbie-“I liked being a Roman.”

Maisie- “I liked learning about the Celts.”

Amelia- “I was a Celt.”

Euan- “I enjoyed pretending to be in battle.”


On the battle Field.”

Matthew- “I was a Roman soldier.”

Muhammad- “I like learning about the Celtic weapons.”

Hannah S-” My favourite part about the Celts was their colourful patterns.”

Luca- “I like pretending to have a bow and arrow.”

Alice- ” I liked learning about the Celts clothing”.


Roman and Celts at War.”

Charlie- ” I liked having a bow and arrow as a Celtic leader.”

Kian- ” I loved playing dead during the battle freeze frame.”

Luke- “I enjoyed planning the freeze frame.”

Lara- “I enjoyed making up the freeze frame.”

Chloe- ” I was a Roman soldier and I liked learning about the Celts.”


Romans and Celts at War.”

Oliver- ” I liked killing all the Celts as a Roman.”

Rachel- ” I enjoyed the performing to the class.”

Daniel- ” I liked being the Celtic Leader.”

Marcus- ” I liked the Celts jewellery.”

Mia-” I love learning about the round houses.”


Celtic Farmers.”

Maria- ” I loved the celtic patterns and jewllery.”

Callum- “I liked the pulling up the crops as a celtic farmer in my freeze frame.”

Haroon- “I liked the crops out.”

Leilani- “I liked learning all about the Celts

Hamish- “I liked learning outside.”


Primary 3c

Have a look below at what Primary 3c have been working on in class this week.

The Celts

As part of our Celts topic, children have been learning about different aspects of Celtic life. We combined art, technology and social studies through designing Celtic jewellery with clay! We moulded it into the shape we wanted and then created designs with a pencil. Next week we will paint our Celtic jewellery!



We have been enjoying developing our teamwork skills during PE and today were playing a game called Diamond Football. Have a look below:



We have now completed our Steven Brown inspired artwork using a range of different medias. Have a look at our wonderful work that is now displayed on our art wall in class:


This week we have been learning how to write a comic strip. We focused on using exciting adjectives and using pictures and words which would make it interesting for our reader. We presented our comic strip to the class. Have a look at some of our star writers work this week which is displayed on our writing wall of fame:


A friendly reminder that next Thursday Celts projects are due in to class. We will begin presenting these to the class on Friday. We are super impressed with what we have seen so far. Thank you!



P3b play cricket!

P3b had a great afternoon playing cricket.


They have been discovering a little bit about the game of cricket.  Today, they were working on linking actions of throwing and catching the ball.  They were very motivated to practice and improve their skills to develop control and flow of the ball.


They are keen to continue playing cricket.  They did really well today, following instructions and working as a team.

Well done P3b, Keep up the good work!

Primary 6 perform their Easter Cantata

Today, at Eastwood Theatre, Primary 3 were very lucky to be the audience for Primary 6’s Easter Cantata.  And what a treat it was!

Primary 6 did a magnificent job of retelling the story of Easter.  Some of us were very proud of siblings but we were all extremely entertained by everyone’s wonderful acting and singing.


Primary 3 really enjoyed their experience at the theatre.

When we came back to school, we chatted about what we thought of the Primary 6’s special performance.

  • “I loved the encore at the end when we got to hear the song ‘Roll back the stone’ twice.”
  • “I thought it was dazzling because they all looked really great in their costumes.”
  • “Jesus was really good at his parts.  I loved his singing.”
  • “The Harpist at the beginning was magnificent.”
  • “The boys and girls were very expressive and sang out loudly.”
  • “I think Miss Kane was brilliant on the piano.”
  • “I thought it was amazing because I really liked the songs.”
  • “I thought the props were really good.”
  • “We thought it was very entertaining.”
  • “The acting was outstanding and they remembered all their lines.”
  • “Fantastic performance P6 – We loved your show. We were all very impressed.”

P3b – Science – Forces & Magnets

For the last 6 weeks, in the STEM room, P3b have been exploring forces exerted by magnets.  They have been investigating forces on magnetic and non-magnetic materials.

This week, they have been applying their knowledge of magnetic materials and in groups, they contributed to the design of a game.

First, they had to logically organise their information about magnets and magnetic materials.  Then they had to decide what materials they needed to create and design their own game.

Lastly, they wrote out instructions for their games so that they could test them all out.

They had fantastic fun working with magnets and forces and loved making their own games.


P3b Data Handling Outdoors

Today, P3b were putting their numeracy skills to the test outdoors.

We have been learning about putting information into carroll diagrams, venn diagrams and charts.

Today, they collected an assortment of outdoor materials, and sorted them into groups.  They then put that information into a chart of their choice.

P3b have really been enjoying transferring their numeracy skills to their outdoor learning.

Well done P3b.  Keep up the hard work 🙂


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